Wind Rivers Traverse - Backpacking 90 miles in the Wind Rivers

I normally steer clear from controversial topics but this one is at least topically pertinent to the site.

I'm not torn on this one bit. Wanting to deny information (and in effect access) to "public" lands to enhance your own personal experience of them is simply egomaniacal imo.

Aside from it being self-serving, isn't it actually counter-productive to preservation? I mean, how do you expect pro-conservation legislators to get voted into office when only an elite few have had the privilege of seeing these places.

I'm baffled by the irony of these sentiments being shared by members of an online forum... that's dedicated to sharing information about the outdoors.

No disrespect to those with opposing viewpoints, it's just how I see it.
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Problem I see is that someone could get in over their head by reading some of the area reports posted on the internet.....some people don't need any help getting into trouble......

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