Will the new iPhone make PLBs obsolete?

For those of you Luddites who distrust your government enough to not want tracking devices (or whatever your reason), I say, fair enough, but please don't change the rules when you have an emergency and ask to borrow someone else's phone or GPS, and please hike off-trail so I don't accidentally come upon the remains of your untimely death. It would be interesting if we could do a survey of everyone who died in the wilds and see how many wish they'd had some means of communcation. I bet it would be close to 100%.
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For those of you Luddites who distrust your government enough to not want tracking devices (or whatever your reason), I say, fair enough, but please don't change the rules when you have an emergency and ask to borrow someone else's phone or GPS, and please hike off-trail so I don't accidentally come upon the remains of your untimely death. It would be interesting if we could do a survey of everyone who died in the wilds and see how many wish they'd had some means of communcation. I bet it would be close to 100%.

Hey Skipper, I'll expect a proper burial from you if you run across my remains on the trail. Be sure to bring your Deuce Trowel from now on just in case. :D And please don't notify the authorities about the bear that got me. :scatman:

My only means of communication in the backcountry is to yell "Yo" repeatedly. So far that hasn't gotten me very far, or maybe it has. :)

I'm not sure if I'm a Luddite or not, and the only thing I distrust about the government is turning over the backcountry permit systems to recreation.gov. :D
Hey Skipper, I'll expect a proper burial from you if you run across my remains on the trail. Be sure to bring your Deuce Trowel from now on just in case. :D And please don't notify the authorities about the bear that got me. :scatman:

My only means of communication in the backcountry is to yell "Yo" repeatedly. So far that hasn't gotten me very far, or maybe it has. :)

I'm not sure if I'm a Luddite or not, and the only thing I distrust about the government is turning over the backcountry permit systems to recreation.gov. :D
Wreck .gov has truly wrecked th system…..
milk - but it's gone now - both bars, so I'm posting from memory (granted, only minutes ago). I eat it like candy.

Apparently my taste buds are shot because the wrapper says the dark green is dark chocolate.
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Disregard everything I wrote. Something weird is going on with the Choclonley and it keeps changing. At this point, take only the word of their webpage as gospel.
Now Rockskipper, going into the wilds without the phone is the oldtime way that has been around for centuries. Now personally that is the reason many people go into the deep wilds is to get away from the crazy outside world. If one looks at statistics, something is more liable to happen to a person in some big city these days then ever in the wilderness. And freaking recreation.gov is a joke and is so ruining things in my opinion. Am an oldster and how much of my life there has not been these phones snd techno devices. I say ... go without and enjoy life. Plus for myself, as Thomas Jefferson said "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obediance to God".

Now as for my personal self, do think would more desire when the time of my passing came to be in the deep wilds somewhere bigtime, then in some hospital bed in some big city. This way the last things I would be seeing and experiencing is the wild things. And then this body could decay and nourish the environment. Rather the critters eat this body when I pass then this body being stuck in a box somewhere after I pass on. Now my grandfather died of cancer and was in a hospital for some days with all kinds of tubes in his body. The doctors would not let him even have a drink of water. Now that is no way to go. Maybe possibly death by a Grizzly could be better then dying by the big C - Cancer. At least by the Grizzly one bite or swip of the paw and you are dead. But with cancer , a slow lingering death.

My opionion and Wishing Everyone the Best!
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Not believing in God makes me impervious to obedience to anyone, including tyrants and even myself. As for the Chocolonely, my niece has just confessed to messing around with the wrappers because she knows I won't eat it after she mangles it.
Not believing in God makes me impervious to obedience to anyone, including tyrants and even myself..........
I agree with this.
One caveat, I do obey my wife of 42 years, as she controls the money. But I do all of the cooking, which tends to even things out.
I do adore my IPhone, because it is titanium and beautiful and has a truly amazing camera.
In closing, as an aging hipster (I do not consider myself old, in any way, shape or form), I tend to be selective in my dislike of modern technologies and conveniences. I do, however, tend to embrace those that help keep me alive, for entirely selfish reasons.
To answer the original question, I believe phones will eventually render PLB's obsolete.
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