What's this new tower on Bald Mountain Pass?


Formerly Cuberant
Aug 8, 2016
Is this tower on Bald Mountain Pass new or have I just not noticed it before? It sits just above the trail head parking area. Anyone know what is it for?

Yeah that could be it. I was thinking it was a bit further east of that location but, of course, I'm seriously directionally challenged! Guess I just never noticed it before.
That made me recall an online article about 5G. In it was a statement some thing along the lines of there will be no view that won’t have a tower in it. Can’t let that happen!

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Looks like a microwave repeater. IIRC there's a HAM radio repeater located somewhere up there. may be part of this. If so, it's not new.
Looks like a microwave repeater. IIRC there's a HAM radio repeater located somewhere up there. may be part of this. If so, it's not new.

I think you’re on the right track with HAM ...


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Interesting. But HAMs wouldn't be the main use of a tower like that, they would just piggyback. Probably a govt. microwave repeater. Sometimes a number of agencies will share resources with these communications towers, including the FAA, the State Patrol, Dept. of Energy, etc. and even telecommunications companies.
Did you get up close to it? It kind of reminds me of the antennae/solar arrays at SNOTEL stations I've seen.

Edit: never mind. The SNOTEL map doesn't show that there's a station there.
Did you get up close to it? It kind of reminds me of the antennae/solar arrays at SNOTEL stations I've seen.

No unfortunately not. Just noticed it while stopped at the overlook.

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Bumping this thread to add that during the volunteer search for Ray Humpherys I overheard Summit County Sheriff's Office people talking about a cell tower coming to the Mirror Lake Highway corridor soon. Rumors to this effect have circulated for years so I'm not sure if this is something that's actually happening or just idle chatter, but given the number of SAR problems they have up there, I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.
Bumping this thread to add that during the volunteer search for Ray Humpherys I overheard Summit County Sheriff's Office people talking about a cell tower coming to the Mirror Lake Highway corridor soon. Rumors to this effect have circulated for years so I'm not sure if this is something that's actually happening or just idle chatter, but given the number of SAR problems they have up there, I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.

Hrm. That means propane generator :(

Not liking that. If you need to make a call summit Bald Mtn for a signal ;)

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