What would make BCP better?

I've been working on some big improvements to Backcountry Post that will be coming soon. As an example, one of the new improvements will add a trip report count under each user's username and photo that will show how many trip reports they have posted. That count will link back to a new tab on your profile page that shows a list of all of your trip reports.

There are a ton of other small things in the works that I'll announce later, but for now, I'd like to hear from the members of BCP about any ideas or wishes you might have for other improvements to the site. I've had to hire some outside developers with some aspects of the work, so it'll be much easier now than later. Thanks in advance!

'More trip reports' was my first thought, so this is good. there's some major slackers who spend a lot of time outdoors, and a lot of time on the site, but don't care to share. i think this is the right thing to do.

i can also say there is room for improvement in the search, but it sounds like this is well known.
personally i'd love to NOT see likes for individual photos. one of the things that i love most about this site is that it focuses a little more on things more substantive that overly shiny pictures. isn't flickr already flickr? i feel like the album threads are already problematic in this respect.
Yes and no. For those given the authority to add tags, they can start typing and on the second letter it will show a drop down with all matching tags. Otherwise the drop down would be pretty huge. That's really probably pretty good though. Screenshot:

View attachment 61873

regarding tagging, would it be too problematic to allow people to to select from the existing tags, or select 'other', and then
personally i'd love to NOT see likes for individual photos. one of the things that i love most about this site is that it focuses a little more on things more substantive that overly shiny pictures. isn't flickr already flickr? i feel like the album threads are already problematic in this respect.
This, x100. There's already a medium for this - it's called Instagram. Frankly, the photography on here is amazing - I'll never be a tenth of the photographer that many here are. But trolling for likes is a social media tendency - and a root of a lot of the ills that plague social media. Give me a great TR with great photography any day, over a random pretty picture with no context.
I'd like to see a way to incentivize people to post TR's. We all love them; they make the site better... so how do we encourage people to write them? I know I'm one of the lazy ones Ben's calling out - I go on a dozen trips a year and post... uhh... 2 TR's perhaps?

What if you could only start one question/trip planning thread until you'd posted a TR? Welcome, ask your question, but also contribute your own little bit. To call out one specific example, @Miya is a newer member who's got lot of good questions and we're happy to provide advice - but she also contributes TR's of her own, making the site better for everyone. It's a win-win. I'd like to see the site encourage that kind of behavior.

Now, my specific suggestion is probably a bad one, b/c it could drive people away, particularly if they haven't had any experiences that they would consider TR-worthy (although our "Not-Epic" threads this summer were a nice reminder that something need not be novel to be interesting). But somewhere where people who posted TR's or maps/resources could be rewarded with extra privileges or the like. Maybe if you post a TR, you get the 2018 Calendar, "The Twelve Months of @Nick Faces" :)
personally i'd love to NOT see likes for individual photos. one of the things that i love most about this site is that it focuses a little more on things more substantive that overly shiny pictures. isn't flickr already flickr? i feel like the album threads are already problematic in this respect.
Agreed. There is a reason I don't have a Facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
I could see both sides and whatever happens is fine, but then if some of my photos don't get likes, I will develop some sort of complex and spiral into a depression. :p
To call out one specific example, @Miya is a newer member who's got lot of good questions and we're happy to provide advice - but she also contributes TR's of her own, making the site better for everyone. It's a win-win. I'd like to see the site encourage that kind of behavior.

I have been MENTIONED!! I feel like one of the gang now... *tears up and fans face*.

Hehe I have no life outside of work though, other people have spouses and/or kids, so probably harder to write up a report.

I definitely love a little reward or something, like you said. Or goals, like once you post, 10, 25, 50 and so on, you get a treat or a title next to your username (Ultimate Bad*** 'insert username here'). :)

Seeing the trip reports are my favorite. Makes the world seem that much more attainable?...conquerable...no, available.
Sounds like the new search functionality should only be unlocked to those who post TR’s.

Kidding aside. I 100% agree that the TR’s are what make this place special and I’m all for a slight incentive, but I wouldn’t be into the idea of overly regulating people’s behavior on here. I can only speak for myself but I always hate when I check out a site and they have more rules than a prison. I find it off-putting and feel like those sites tend to be clan-ish and less welcoming. I kind of like how the site caters to all different types of members; hardcore backpackers, day hikers, photographers, old wise guys, and beginners. I guess my suggestion to @Nick is that subtle improvements are great but don’t change too much because the site is great as-is.

I too, am not really into the idea of having individual likes for photos. Not just because of the social media popularity contest mindset that @Miya and @LarryBoy mentioned, but also because I like (in a literal sense) just about every picture in every trip report I see, and “liking” every picture sounds like a lot of work. I’d rather just leave a positive comment to the OP. I guess I’m more partial to a site design that encourages dialogue and interaction rather than a whole lot of people just hitting “like” buttons.
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Sounds like the new search functionality should only be unlocked to those who post TR’s.

Kidding aside. I 100% agree that the TR’s are what make this place special and I’m all for a slight incentive, but I wouldn’t be into the idea of overly regulating people’s behavior on here. I can only speak for myself but I always hate when I check out a site and they have more rules than a prison. I find it off-putting and feel like those sites tend to be clan-ish and less welcoming. I kind of like how the site caters to all different types of members; hardcore backpackers, day hikers, photographers, old wise guys, and beginners. I guess my suggestion to @Nick is that subtle improvements are great but don’t change too much because the site is great as-is.

I too, am not really into the idea of having individual likes for photos. Not just because of the social media popularity contest mindset that @Miya and @LarryBoy mentioned, but also because I like (in a literal sense) just about every picture in every trip report I see, and “liking” every picture sounds like a lot of work. I’d rather just leave a positive comment to the OP. I guess I’m more partial to a site design that encourages dialogue and interaction rather than a whole lot of people just hitting “like” buttons.
That's why my original idea was bad :) Obviously you want the site to be fully functioning and engaging for people who've never been here before - at the same time, I really like the idea of fun perks for those who take the time to contribute. Kind of like the current trophy system thing, but with actual rewards. I just don't know what those rewards are because the site is so good already. Discount on the famous and long-awaited BCP T-shirt if you post more than 10 TR's perhaps?
What would be nice, and I am unsure how this could happen, is if there was a wider geographic representation of members. I came here to learn more about outdoor life in Utah (and this site is great for that) because I like traveling in that state, but I would also like to hear about outdoor life in other areas. I have found no other web site which is comparable where such wide variety of activities is covered related to other areas of the country, but perhaps this site can't do all of that.
What would be nice, and I am unsure how this could happen, is if there was a wider geographic representation of members. I came here to learn more about outdoor life in Utah (and this site is great for that) because I like traveling in that state, but I would also like to hear about outdoor life in other areas. I have found no other web site which is comparable where such wide variety of activities is covered related to other areas of the country, but perhaps this site can't do all of that.
There is one obvious solution to that.... move to Utah! :)

I'm totally with you. Just not sure how exactly we could encourage that.
RE: photo likes
I have a private instagram account for family and that's about it. So I'm not really familiar with the downside of likes I guess. I admit I keep an eye on likes I receive but I've never thought of it as anything more than an ego stroke, is that trolling? (not asking sarcastically). Also I admit that way back when I had an initial hesitancy to post because my photos weren't very good. I posted anyway. Is that what the concern is?

In agreement with @Vegan.Hiker , I "like" all the photos... however I feel that there is always one or two in a TR that stand out to me as special and I'd like to be able to speak to that in a simpler way than saying "third photo from the top is really cool". I don't think that limits dialogue because 'I like' is usually all I want to say about it. I have posted questions or comments when I wanted more conversation.

@Ben and @LarryBoy , to me this site has always had the best of both worlds. I was initially attracted to it for the "substance", i.e. I was planning a trip. But one of the reasons I visit frequently is the shiny pictures. To me, BCP has always been in part a showcase of good photography, even to the point I've asked photography related questions of the professionals and enthusiasts here. But it also has the context to go with the pictures. This is because most of the great photographers on here don't just toss up a bunch of pictures and leave it at that, they also post trip reports and are active in the outdoors discussions. I think that should be encouraged and one way to do that is keeping photography a strong component of the site. I think another reason for the good context is that BCP does a good job balancing style and substance by the way threads are promoted. Trip Reports get top billing, Albums pop up and drift away with a pleasing regularity. There are a lot of photo threads that are posted here that don't get promoted because (and I'm guessing here) there is no substance to go along with them... no actual Trip Report. Definitely agree with you though that more trip reports from the community would be awesome and should be encouraged no matter what the photography level is, or even if they didn't bring a camera on the trip.
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So much awesome feedback. Thanks everybody!

Re: photo likes. It will not be for every photo in threads, only for photos posted to the galleries. These can be user galleries that they upload to and then 'hotlink' them into reports. Or they can just upload them and not put them into other threads or reports. It's a popular feature on some other forums, so I think it's worth giving it a try. But anyway, the likes per photo will only be in the gallery system itself so it won't change how things are now in threads.

Re: encouraging trip reports. I want to incentivize people to post trip reports as well, but I agree with @Vegan.Hiker that adding too much structure is no bueno. It's better to keep the place as it is with an open feel and encourage people to participate. That said, if someone comes along and asks for tons of help, then comes back 6 months later asking for more help without posting a trip report or anything else, I probably won't be very helpful.

Also, I'm thinking I'd like to tie in trip report quantity to other benefits. Discounts on swag, special edition stuff, and that kind of thing.
I'll tell you how to make this site better: Get rid of that Scatman character. You know what I mean; kick him to the curb. Give him the old heave-ho. Send him down the river without a paddle. Knock him to the canvass. Kick him in the rear and send him packing. Put him on a slow boat to China. Send him to the north forty. Hasta la Vista. Boot him. Rocket him to the moon or preferably beyond. Send him into grizzly country with a few pounds of bacon hanging around his neck. Vote him off the island. He is a low down scoundrel (some would say varmint) with questionable moral character - not at all fit for a site like this. Why, I even hear he wears a kilt into the backcountry - in front of women and children no less! What will the wildlife think? Those who have caught a glimpse of him in such attire , tend to refer to him as Breezeway in their confused mental state. It's like staring at the sun. Blinding I tell you! No, no, no, this unscrupulous character has no place among the posts of BCP . Take a vote, and I think most members will agree with me that he needs to go! :roflmao:

In all seriousness, I've always liked your site @Nick and agree with the above comments on some of the search functionality. I also think the calendar is a good idea, just be sure and put a kilt day on it somewhere; preferably in one of the warmer months. :) Now I've got to go find a swimsuit top for a picture or two.
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I am one of those that lurks at times and doesn't post very much. I think that I have maybe posted two or three trip reports. I am currently working on becoming more active on the forum. I have been on a few trips and need to write up some trip reports. Hopefully by next week I can get a few out. This is a great website!
Yeah i feel incentivizing trip reports is good but this is one major concern i have with it. I play a lot of video games (darn kid!!!) and one has cosmetic items that don't affect gameplay. The issue is that people feel they deserve these, and when some cost real money (team skins or special edition) they get ANGRY because they want to get everything. They start complaining or they try to game the system to get rewards and that can't happen with BCP. Rewards are nice, but it opens a world of unfairness and ego that might hurt it. Not necessarily how to navigate it though.

Also yeah Dad hats get crap from kids, but as a kid, i find dad hats infinitely better than those flat brimmed hats. ;)

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