What Animal Worries You Most in the Utah Backcountry?

What Animal Worries You Most in the Utah Backcountry?

  • Black Bear

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Mountain Lion

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Moose

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Coyote

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of them really bother me

    Votes: 10 38.5%

  • Total voters
Nope. Actually pretty rare that I've had a bull elk detect my presence and do anything except disappear! Rut is getting going good though, didn't see any of them but heard some bulls going nuts around Lyman lake in the Uintas this weekend. I suppose a really rut crazed bull could get after just about anything.

I guess your question shouldn't necessarily be "what animal worries you most" but what animal deserves the most respect? Just splitting hairs, but the moose is definitely the master. Being aware of all the animals is key but the moose is the most unpredictable. Yes a rutting bull deserves a very wide berth but a Cow with her calf is the usual culprit. Just like deer and elk, the moose uses smell and sound as their biggest allies. Problem is the wind shifts, while trees and foliage (where moose thrive) muffle sound, and the moose has relatively poor eyesight. all these, on top of there demeanor to be territorial, especially during birthing and rutting season, make them the biggest concern.
Black bear are scavengers. Keep a clean camp, make noise and be bigger then they are and you'll, 99.9% of the time be just fine.
Coyotes are mainly scavengers as well. They would rather run from a biped as opposed to investigating. Same rules apply for coyotes as black bears.
Mountain lions are different. They are predatory but not for humans (most of the time). They rarely, and I mean rarely, attack anything larger than they are. They are curious and they will take the opportunity if it presents itself. They do deserve respect but the chances of seeing one, let alone being stalked by one is extremely low. Those that have been stalked should drive to vegas and go all in. Lions prefer rocky outcroppings and locations for a surprise attacks. Rules: Hike with a partner (closely), make noise, and if spotted make yourself look big. I'll say it again though, respect Lion country.
Rattlesnakes should be on the list but the chances, again are very slim. don't put your hand or feet in places you can't see, step on and then over logs and large rocks, and listen for their warning (try not to listen to any device with earbuds). They don't attack non-prey willy nilly. Be aware and you'll be okay.

Long winded I know. sorry. Moose are perceived as docile and non-threatening but a 2000 pound beast running at you with sharp pointy hooves (their first weapon), and then large antlers (their second weapon) is to be respected. And yes I've been charged by moose multiple times, had many bear encounters (all inquisitive, not aggressive), been by, stepped on, grabbed (on accident) more rattlers than i can remember, and spotted and tracked Lions by myself (not smart). Great question.


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