View from prison.

My current "cell" has a view of the blue building with a swedish word on it in big yellow letters... Ikea... but I also have the below on the wall already, and i would be happy with that.
(I could say adding Richard Simmons to any of these views would really make it hell)...
Wind Rivers Trip 8-160547.jpg
Sorry, but at least it's not animated. The threat of seeing that photo of Richard Simmons should be a good anti-prison deterrent.
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@scatman ... I protest ... you did not specify ONLY one image in your original post. Nor did you specify where this incarceration would be ... so in light of those small details, I have posted all the possible options I might have while in your custody. Although I'm guessing that the judge will throw your allegations out of court if I also wear a kilt to the hearing. Unless the judge favors Scottish over Irish. Chance I gotta take, eh??

You're not going to hold little things like details against me are you? The Judge is probably Scotch/Irish, so there's no telling which way he/she will lean in this case. Got a mule I can borrow?
sorry couldn't find any mule riders wearing a kilt ...

I like it. :twothumbs:

I hate to be the one to point it out, but I don't think Dooley's a mule.

Oh, Dooley is all mule.

do you think @scatman really knows the difference?

or perhaps it would be more like this ...

Palease! Burros and Ponies. Come on now!

Getting on and off in a kilt might be interesting.

I do like this shot, but a pony won't do.

Side saddle by the way.
riding side-saddle (Small).jpeg
Janet and I go way back.

Now, on a more serious note:
Dooley -- Born: July 14, 2011
Died: June 27, 2018

He was a good mule who liked kilts. Killed by two lowdown scoundrels, Rockskipper and Richard Simmons, while tracking Infamous BCP Memebers .R.I.P.
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I told him not to look at the picture of Simmons, but he did anyway, poor fella. He was all heart to let a Scotsman in a kilt ride him.

Or maybe that's what kilt him...
I’ve made fun of and disrespected kilt wearing Rangers as I pleased, all over your territory, camping where I pleased in some pretty funny places, and you never even got a good look at me until today! I don't reckon you would've caught me.

You silly kilt wearing Rangers! I 'spect I'll laugh at a passel of you yet and Dooley too!

Even if you did catch me you would never find a jail that could hold me. I can fly like a old woman taught me.

(only slightly plagiarized from Blue Ducks speach in Lonesome Dove)
Because I want to see it when it comes down Glen_Canyon_Dam_and_Bridge.JPG
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I’ve made fun of and disrespected kilt wearing Rangers as I pleased, all over your territory, camping where I pleased in some pretty funny places, and you never even got a good look at me until today! I don't reckon you would've caught me.

You silly kilt wearing Rangers! I 'spect I'll laugh at a passel of you yet and Dooley too!

Even if you did catch me you would never find a jail that could hold me. I can fly like a old woman taught me.

(only slightly plagiarized from Blue Ducks speach in Lonesome Dove)

That would be Deputy Scatman not Ranger Scatman. :) Hmmm, let me see. You never camp at the same site two nights in a row. You prefer to hike off the main trail during the day, but occasionally at night you could be found bounding down a popular one. You're not one to build a campfire and trees are your friend if you happen to be in the vicinity of others. :cautious: I think I'm beginning to feel your vibe. So rest assured sometime, someday when you least expect it, I will track you down. Of course it will be a little slower than usual since I no longer have the fastest mule this side of the Rockies. Have your jail cell view ready to divulge. :scatman:
I decided to delete this photo as it's even worse than the Richard Simmons one, if that's even possible.
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