Vernal, Utah Uinta Highline Trail shuttle offer

May 22, 2017
I found this forum while searching for other hikers' experiences on the UHT as I am considering going this summer. I was born and raised in Vernal and recently moved back. I would also like to offer to shuttle anyone interested to the trailhead at McKee Draw on Hwy 191.
I am so excited to create my own blog with pictures and diary entries I hope to record soon as I have really enjoyed reading yours :)
Hi! My husband and I are planning to hike the UHT from McKee Draw to Hayden Pass. Starting this weekend. eek!! Our logistics fell through and we are scrambling to figure something out. Our plan is to leave our vehicle at Hayden Pass and get a shuttle to McKee Draw. I somehow came across this post and thought I'd reach out and try...fingers crossed! If there is anyway you are able to help, please let me know and we can message further. THANK YOU!
Hi Amanda-

I am going to be starting the entire length of the Uinta Highline Trail from east to west on approximately July 4. I'm currently looking into other shuttle options, but I would certainly take you up on your offer to shuttle me from Hayden Pass to McKee Draw.

Hi Amanda, are you still living in Vernal? I’m looking at starting the highline trail on July 20 and am trying to find a ride to the 191 or Liedy peak TH. Let me know if your offer still stands, I’d love to buy you lunch for a lift!
Cheers, Alexis
Just wanted to give you a little tip on the east end of the UHT. Once you leave East Park Reservoir there is no reliable water along the trail until Hacking lake just south of the trail. When I did the east end two years ago without knowing this we had to drop south of the trail to Center Creek to find water. You might find my trip reports helpful

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Just wanted to give you a little tip on the east end of the UHT. Once you leave East Park Reservoir there is no reliable water along the trail until Hacking lake just south of the trail. When I did the east end two years ago without knowing this we had to drop south of the trail to Center Creek to find water. You might find my trip reports helpful

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Thanks! That’s really helpful!
I found this forum while searching for other hikers' experiences on the UHT as I am considering going this summer. I was born and raised in Vernal and recently moved back. I would also like to offer to shuttle anyone interested to the trailhead at McKee Draw on Hwy 191.
I am so excited to create my own blog with pictures and diary entries I hope to record soon as I have really enjoyed reading yours :)
Amanda - Are you still in Vernal? There is a growing group of us looking for a ride this July, 2019, to Leidy Peak TH. Can you still help?

Cheers -

Hi Amanda, I’m in the same boat as JBG
I found this forum while searching for other hikers' experiences on the UHT as I am considering going this summer. I was born and raised in Vernal and recently moved back. I would also like to offer to shuttle anyone interested to the trailhead at McKee Draw on Hwy 191.
I am so excited to create my own blog with pictures and diary entries I hope to record soon as I have really enjoyed reading yours :)

Hi Amanda I’m in the same boat as JBG. Me and my girlfriend are coming from out of country to do the Uinta Highline and are searching for a ride up to Leidy Peak TH at the beginning of July. Could you let me know if your offer still stands please. Thank you ever so kindly.

Hi there,

I'm interested in doing the Uintah Highline trail around the 25th of August and was wondering if anyone would be interested in hiking it with me. Here is a little bit about myself:

I'm a 31 year old male and would consider myself an intermediate level backpacker. I currently live and work in San Diego for California State Parks and am really into botany. I have most of the gear needed to do the trip and I also have an InReach satellite messenger in case of emergencies. I do not feel comfortable doing the Highline trail by myself since I've never been there before and I feel like a hike over 50 miles is better to do in a group. I can probably hike 15 or more miles per day.

I've tried Thorntree but it seems like there isn't a really big audience out there regarding the Highline Trail, so I'm giving this a try.

