Upper Death Hollow and the Old Bowington Road, From Hell's Backbone down to the Escalante River

@Joey sweet report! I've done BMT/Escalante River/Lower DH twice, but never upper. Finally going in June. My kingdom for the exact location of that seep/pool you used on the first night of your trip, and your opinion as to whether or not you'd guess it would be flowing on the summer solstice. Thanks in advance.
It flows all year.....cant miss it hiking downstream, bout 12 miles I think..... Don't think Joey hast the coorids, but I probably do somewhere...I will look.
I was walking up the Escalante River on a short hike on a rainy day that early May. When you popped out onto the River from the Bowington Road was it your group that I met after a brief rain shower? We talked briefly.
That sounds vaguely familiar, @John Morrow . That may have been us. Do you remember our group by our pics?
@Dane Lovejoy, if @Bob can't up with a geocoordinate for the seep I will go look. Good idea to take it - but you can't miss it either. Especially since you will be thirsty :)
That sounds vaguely familiar, @John Morrow . That may have been us. Do you remember our group by our pics?
@Dane Lovejoy, if @Bob can't up with a geocoordinate for the seep I will go look. Good idea to take it - but you can't miss it either. Especially since you will be thirsty :)

@Dane Lovejoy, here is our Day 1 track. Can you use this GPX? The end of the track is our camp spot and the reliable spring is just across the creek. Great camp spot too as you saw in the report. @Bob can you verify the location? BTW if you were to miss it, which would be hard, you could walk less than an hour down canyon to get to reliable water in the bottom. Too much water :) No water until this first spring unless there is snow melt.

Where can I pick up your kingdom? :cool:


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@Dane Lovejoy, here is our Day 1 track. Can you use this GPX? The end of the track is our camp spot and the reliable spring is just across the creek. Great camp spot too as you saw in the report. @Bob can you verify the location? BTW if you were to miss it, which would be hard, you could walk less than an hour down canyon to get to reliable water in the bottom. Too much water :) No water until this first spring unless there is snow melt.

Where can I pick up your kingdom? :cool:
Any chance you kept the track for the Old Bowington Route? I've seen several variations on the theme, and it is helpful to compare them. Thank you.
Thread is about 7 years old..... probably better to post a new question
I saw it because I was with that trip and posted pics, you get notified when someone posts on your trips...... I was not searching for it. The general forum does not get notices on threads , is why I said start a new question thread

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