Album Unique, not seen finds - Post yours

Not super exciting, but I found this little jawbone while I was wandering around this afternoon. About an inch and half long or so20161013_113253.jpg .
found a possible pottery production site and/or midden pile

this first photo is only about half of the pottery sherds that were present. it was a mix of multiple styles.

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this knuckle was also in the mix

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the entire site was at the edge of a gully that was washing out. from below, one can readily see the layer of ash/charcoal in the soil

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there were plenty more sherds precipitating out of the sides of this as well as being scattered around the entire area nearby.

I can't get the context from the photo but if there is no known ruin there and the wall I am looking at is split by arroyo or wash, this could be a pit house.
I think this would fit in this thread....probably my most awesome find ever! Unfortunately, it was found in a high-traffic area near a popular trailhead, so I thought it would be best to report this one to the BLM archaeologist rather than have it disappear. It has been safely recovered and will eventually be on display at the BLM Visitor Center in St. George. More of the story can be found at the end of this trip report:

The Langstraat Mug
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
I think this would fit in this thread....probably my most awesome find ever! Unfortunately, it was found in a high-traffic area near a popular trailhead, so I thought it would be best to report this one to the BLM archaeologist rather than have it disappear. It has been safely recovered and will eventually be on display at the BLM Visitor Center in St. George. More of the story can be found at the end of this trip report:

The Langstraat Mug
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

What a great find!
In case anyone is interested, the BLM posted a short article about this on their blog yesterday:

I think this would fit in this thread....probably my most awesome find ever! Unfortunately, it was found in a high-traffic area near a popular trailhead, so I thought it would be best to report this one to the BLM archaeologist rather than have it disappear. It has been safely recovered and will eventually be on display at the BLM Visitor Center in St. George. More of the story can be found at the end of this trip report:

The Langstraat Mug
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
Stone tool found on our property in Costa Rica while digging a hole for a tree. Pre-Columbian...


My finest finds during a Wilderness Volunteers trip in Dark Canyon. We were doing an archaeological inventory in the area...


Off the map and remote panel in Bears Ears National Monument...


Bears Ears NM...


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