Uintas Highline Trail 2012

Any time in the last half of July works for me. August, not so much.

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Weren't we talking about meeting Caleb for a Wind Rivers trip sometime around that time frame...
I have drill July 14 and 15. I can't miss work the week of July 16-19.
But the week of 23-26 and that weekend 27-29 look reasonable...
Or the following week and weekend 30th - Aug 5th...
I have drill August 17-19.

Crap, I have to be in Cedar City July 30th - August 3rd for work. So July 23-29 look like my best option...
I could probably even get out the weekend before so with both weekends July 20-29...
A week earlier would be ideal for me (7/20ish)). I have to travel on 8/3, so a 7/28 departure would be cutting it kind of close for me. Otherwise, I can maybe look at starting with you and exiting solo a couple days early at a different trailhead.

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Ok that's a firm date; July 20th through no later than the 29th. Now were we firm on the Highline Trail or was there some mention of the Wind River range...?
And of course you're invited Nick. Anyone else want to come?
Sweetness. My calendar is marked. I'm down with Highline or something awesome in the Winds. Stoked!

I've never done the Highline, but I've never been to the Wind River Range; so I'm good with either. I'm just keeping Winds on the table 'cause Cody and I had talked about it earlier this year.
Looking forward to it!

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Anyone else want to come?

you willing to pull me if I get tired?

the more i think about it, the more i'm down with the highline trail in this time frame. it will be death by mosquitoes in the winds.
the more i think about it, the more i'm down with the highline trail in this time frame. it will be death by mosquitoes in the winds.

I'm down. And beyond stoked. I feel like I've never been conditioned for it as well as I am right now. SO ready. Start from Leidy Peak on Saturday July 21?
I'm feeling more like Highline too.

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Good date for me.

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Hi all,

Is this still on? I got the invite from Don via Bogley, but just getting around to setting up an account here. So the 20th - 29th is still the plan? I've been planning on doing the highline on these dates however I wanted to finish by by the 24th. Even if I just get a ride, I'm cool, but I'm happy to help shuttle a car or whatever.

Hi Kyle, welcome to backcountrypost. I wish we could but I'm afraid we're not going to be of much help getting you out there. The only good way to do it, IMO, is to get someone to drive you out and drop you off and then drop off a car for you at the end trailhead while you're out hiking. Actually dropping off a vehicle the same day of heading out to Leidy would eat so much of the day that you might as well just camp the first night at Leidy Peak. So that's what we're planing but our shuttle out is tip-top full plus we wouldn't be going past the Highline to drop off any vehicles. We'll be pushing it to fit our group and our packs all in. Maybe we'll see you out there though.
Hey JacobCase, not sure if it's just a temporary glitch but I can't get Day 7 to load on your site. It just shows a message saying what my IP address is instead of the content. I'd love to finish reading it.

Anyone else able to load this page? http://jacobcase.com/highline_trail_day_7.php

Attached is a PDF of Page 7 of JacobCase's trip report, in case people still can't see it.

---edit: removed attachment, as it was incomplete, and contained my IP---
Attached is a PDF of Page 7 of JacobCase's trip report, in case people still can't see it.

It's still cutting off most of the content. I checked it a couple weeks ago and it was showing more before it cut it off with the 'your ip address is...' line.
I can drive my Jeep Grand Cherokee (fits 5 people) and meet with you all somewhere like Park City or Kamas. There, we could swap cars, and I'd drive your car to the end of the trail to hike West to East, and you can pile people in my car and drive to Leidy peak. We'd meet somewhere along the trail and swap keys back. That way our respective cars are waiting for us at the end of the hike. Would this work for any of you?

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