Uintas Conditions 2014

Has anyone done Dead Horse Pass? I'm doing the trip Nick reported several years ago Highline TH to West Fork Black's Fork with my teenagers the week of July 21. From what I've read the north side of Dead Horse can hold on to the snow.
I bet in two weeks it's totally melted. Even now, just scree walk around the snow. I stupidly did it in the dark.
Cool, thanks! That must have been quite the hike.
The skeeters were out in full force at Allsop Lake this weekend. Even with a headnet, long sleeves and pants, and repellant I came home with probably around 20 bites, but other than the bugs the conditions were perfect!
I'll be headed up to Ibantik this weekend and am hoping for some nearby snowbanks for beer coolers. Anyone know if there is still any nearby snow, or should I breakdown and bring some bourbon instead?

I'll be headed up to Ibantik this weekend and am hoping for some nearby snowbanks for beer coolers. Anyone know if there is still any nearby snow, or should I breakdown and bring some bourbon instead?

Last summer I did Ibantik the first week of July and there was zero snow. There was a pile or two at Wall Lake though. I think Ibantik has too much exposure to hold onto any late snow.
I was at Trial lake last week and the Notch and surrounded areas looked snow free.
@Blake Merrell Please post info on conditions in the area when you get back. Where are you starting & ending?

Hi DrNed,

We are doing a 50 miler with my Varsity Team. Will be starting at the WFBF and Ending at Mirror Lake (area) We have plans to spend some time in the Grandaddy basin, and Naturalist Basin. I most concerned about the hike over Dead Horse Pass though. I really hope it is passable.
Hi DrNed,

We are doing a 50 miler with my Varsity Team. Will be starting at the WFBF and Ending at Mirror Lake (area) We have plans to spend some time in the Grandaddy basin, and Naturalist Basin. I most concerned about the hike over Dead Horse Pass though. I really hope it is passable.
You're doing the trip we're doing, just in the opposite direction! We're not doing Granddaddy or Naturalist either - 35 miles was enough for us!:help:
I'll be headed up to Ibantik this weekend and am hoping for some nearby snowbanks for beer coolers. Anyone know if there is still any nearby snow, or should I breakdown and bring some bourbon instead?

I was discussing this with my kids tonight & they corrected me - we did have snow at Ibantik last July. If you go to the SW side (not pictured) the snow gets close to water. That might work,image.jpg
I know this doesn't have to to with conditions but anyone have good ideas for car camping in the Uintas? My wife is going for the first time since having our daughter (daughter and I have been a few times already) and we need to sleep in the back of the truck vs. backpacking. Not interested in organized campgrounds. I've been to a few car camp spots off Mirror lake in the past but none rocked my socks off. PM me if you don't want to give away any secrets to the masses :). Thanks!
From the sounds of it most of the trails are snow free and good to go. Is that a correct assumption?

How are the bugs? My brother and his fiance arrive saturday morning and we'll be heading up Sunday morning. This will be our first trip in the Uintas and I'm excited.
Your lucky @andyjaggy. We were at and around Trail lake the week of the 4th and they were getting bad then.

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