Uintas Conditions 2014

I took the family on a hike up to Wall Lake on Saturday and the weather was amazing!
Talked to some people who spent the night in the area and said the nights weren't too bad, and no frost in the morning. But as always...this could be completely different next week.
:cry: I hate hearing about all this great weather this last weekend because I couldn't quite make a trip happen even though I knew the weather was going to be spectacular. We're planning a trip for this next weekend but it looks like the weather is taking a turn for the worse.
Storms should be hitting this week. I am thinking of going up Saturday anyway and spending some time up there during the day, may be the last chance for the year.
Hmm... this does not bode well for my backpacking trip this weekend... I originally had it planned for last weekend buy my buddy Ryan couldn't make that happen... now it looks like it's going to be a wet one. I wonder if it gets cold enough on the peaks for snow?
I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the higher peaks dusted with snow this weekend.
It's looking cold and wet. I'm stubborn though and this is probably my last chance for a multi-day backpacking trip in the Uintas this year. We'll see, I may regret it but worst case scenario I get to try out my hilleberg in some rainy weather.
It's looking cold and wet. I'm stubborn though and this is probably my last chance for a multi-day backpacking trip in the Uintas this year. We'll see, I may regret it but worst case scenario I get to try out my hilleberg in some rainy weather.
I'm in the same boat. Really wanna go but don't want it to be cold and wet. Might make a last second call Friday around noon. Different weather sources show different things. Go away clouds and rain!!
Yeah, the weather forecasts have been all over the place. I think I'd be happier if they just put big question marks up at this point.
Hint for you all jonesing for a September mountain trip.... Uinta's forecast is marginal to shite. Look farther the north and west. The storm is petering out around the utah border. Idaho Mtns/Sawtooths/? new ranges in ID/western WY may be your better bet (the NWS point forecasts are your friend) :moses:

8000' forecast in the Sawtooths:
Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 10.06.58 PM.png
I'm in the same boat. Really wanna go but don't want it to be cold and wet. Might make a last second call Friday around noon. Different weather sources show different things. Go away clouds and rain!!

I've looked at four or five different weather reports and like you and Nick have said, they're all saying different things and each keep changing. Who knows what the weekend will look like. At this point I'm planning for cold and wet just in case and hopefully will be pleasantly surprised with drier, warmer weather. I'd be 100% ok with overcast and scattered showers, I just don't want to get hit with monsoon weather and tons of lightening.
I've looked at four or five different weather reports and like you and Nick have said, they're all saying different things and each keep changing.

There's very low confidence in the forecast because you have hurricane moisture pushing north and it's not clear exactly for far it will go.
I'm in the same boat. I'm flying into SLC to hike Sat and Sun and I've been checking the forecasts on 4 different sources constantly. Sat looks like it'll good but Sunday seems iffy. I'm making some contingency plans for Sun depending on the various forecasts. If the weather is much better north I may drive to the southern Sawtooths to do Lake Pettit/Lake Alice or go south to Arches. Have to be back at SLC airport for a midnight flight Sun night so I'm really hoping I don't have to squeeze the extra driving in.

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Go with weather.gov point forecasts. Everyone else gets their info from the gov and interprets how they see fit.

VH how many days you hiking. A excellent hike is from Redfish up to lake Kathyrn. Take a day to get there tho. Don't know if boat shuttle is running in Sept. Or go in from Driggs / Teton Cyn on the West side of the Tetons.....excellent.
+2 on Bob's assessment. The NWS is the source for most other's forecasts. Nobody else can afford the technology or the analysts IMHO. Also, easy to check on Redfish Lake shuttles and I'll bet they are still running until October....
Go with weather.gov point forecasts. Everyone else gets their info from the gov and interprets how they see fit.

VH how many days you hiking. A excellent hike is from Redfish up to lake Kathyrn. Take a day to get there tho. Don't know if boat shuttle is running in Sept. Or go in from Driggs / Teton Cyn on the West side of the Tetons.....excellent.

Thanks Bob, it's the NWS forecast discussion that I've been paying the most attention to. I arrive at SLC at 4:20 pm Friday and my flight home leaves Sun night at 11:59 pm. Plan was to do Timp on Sat and Lake Blanche on Sun before flying home. I'll have to be touch and go with the weather but I was thinking if Sun is a no go in the Uintas Sun and the Sawtooths forecast looked much better, I would drove the 5 hrs from the Timp to the Sawtooths on Sat night and Sun be on the trail by 5 am with my headlamp since I'll need to be done hiking by around 3 pm to catch my flight back in SLC. Only problem is I'll probably sleep through the Jets on Monday Night Football lol.. as I'm sure I'll pass out when I get home.

Thanks for the tip on Redfish Lake.. I checked and it would add another hour driving each way than if I did Lake Pettit to Lake Alice.

This is all hypothetical.. hopefully weather will cooperate and I can just stick with Lake Blanche.

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Thanks Bob, it's the NWS forecast discussion that I've been paying the most attention to. I arrive at SLC at 4:20 pm Friday and my flight home leaves Sun night at 11:59 pm. Plan was to do Timp on Sat and Lake Blanche on Sun before flying home........
Hole Smokes, Vegan! That is dedication to plan ANYTHING in the Utah mountains for a weekend from NEW JERSEY! Good on ya :twothumbs: You've got more tolerance for airplanes than I do.
you really need more than two nites......... :cry:

?? It's only 15 miles from Petit lk to redfish lk on the highway. Lot farther to drive tho from SLC.
Good information guys (on the weather and alternate options, etc). Thanks from those of us who are hoping to get out. I think I'm being stubborn about going to the Uintas b/c I've had some awesome late season trips and I want to re-create the magic. I'm with you @Eric O I think we're just planning on going prepared for some moisture and cold and hoping for the best. A little weather makes it interesting, right? ;) What's the worst that could happen? (Don't answer that!). We'll have to compare notes and see how it turned out for those of us hoping to get out. Good luck!
If I were gunning for the Uintas or the Wasatch this weekend, I think I'd do it based on the current forecast. Doesn't look much worse than normal monsoon summer stuff, just a bit later and maybe colder. Looking forward to all the pretty photos from you guys that inevitably come from such turbulent weather.

Sadly, my knee is 'falling out' about a half dozen times a day right now so I'm taking the easy way out and heading down to Wahweap with the boat. Looks like the most recent hurricane has largely missed the southern part of the state. Who knows what will happen with the next one. What a crazy weather year it continues to be.

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