Album Trees

I've recently found myself envious of our beloved desert pines. They witness decades as we do seasons. What makes life possible doesn't come easy, but they thrive. One may slowly struggle to establish itself only to be washed away upon infancy, while in the case of the Pinus Monophylla may live up to 1000 years.

It's not an easy life, but one worth lived.

Zion Pinyon
by slc_dan, on Flickr
Great Pic and Great Tree!
Some driftwood along the missouri river.

I love trees. Especially cottonwoods and the crazy things they do to survive in the desert. Post your photos of cool, beautiful or unusual trees and forests you've experienced here.

I really liked this Cottonwood with it's buds just popping open near the top of Halls Creek Narrows.
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And this one in Maidenwater Canyon is one of my favorite Cottonwoods. It was so hard to photograph because of the mixed light, but it was amazing to see. Awesome how it had grown up the wall to get to the light and managed to get SO big and strong in the process. There's not much there for scale, but the smaller trees and bushes were pretty much average human height or more. That thing is huge!
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I think this is your cottonwood, Nick (the Maidenwater one)

_DSC4362 by Brendan Swihart, on Flickr
A couple interesting trees from the Smokies. Supposedly, the Cherokee would bend young saplings to grow into "road markers". No idea if that is what made these trees, but it is a cool story.



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