The new backcountrypost logo


Aug 9, 2007
We dropped a few hundred bucks last night for a new logo. It's not the usual graphic design situation though. It's through a site called 99 Designs. You put up the money and what you're looking for and designers compete to create the winning logo. For the first 4 days, it's open to thousands of designers, then for the next 3, we narrow it down and refine the logo until we get exactly what we want.

The contest has only been online since late Tuesday night (17 hour ago), but a few designs have already trickled in. If our results are typical, we should get 30+ designs to choose from.

If any of you are interested, I would love it if you would go take a look as they roll in and post your opinions here.

Here is the link to the contest:

For what it's worth, I'm really digging the idea of using a cairn as the logo. It's simple and clean yet subtle and identifiable. It would also be way cool if someday people started seeing cairns along the trail and actually having backcountrypost come to mind! I also threw out to them other ideas like a tree, a bear, a backpacker, etc so we'll see what they come up with. We should see a lot more designs coming in over the next 72 hours.
If any of you are interested, I would love it if you would go take a look as they roll in and post your opinions here.

Here is the link to the contest:

I like the cairn one since it's simple so far. The one with the 3 rock cairn is better than the two rock and the tent ones look the same except for the different backgrounds , not bad though. I would definately like to see more versions like, the backpacker, tree, bear etc..
Everyone else, feel free to throw in your two cents. I'm going to post a link to this thread for the designers to see.
Yellowstone 1 , I threw together a bunch of really crude concepts of some of those other things. Clearly I am not a graphic designer so these are just to give you an idea. ;)











I like the three stones my only pause is it reminds me of a snowman.
Also, like the Japanese sun behind the tent, kind of has a retro feel.
i would love to see design #7 modified to have 3 differing hills representing the terrains most covered in this forum: one round top, one mountaintop & one mesatop. or some vartiation on that theme.
Yellowstone 1 , I threw together a bunch of really crude concepts of some of those other things. Clearly I am not a graphic designer so these are just to give you an idea. ;)
I can't see the examples you posted it just has the X(IMG) thing going on.
After looking at the new designs #5 is still my fave #7 is good. I liked the one that has been withdrawn with the pointy peak mountains a little better than #7 and #9 is cool just looks more like a snowman than rocks.
What do you guys think of #12, or at least something along those lines? I kinda dig that circle frame thing...
I would like it a little better if the leaf was some pine needles and the paw print was a boot print. #11 is nice , but would be better if it had the lettering right.
Maybe if the rocks were a little flatter or may mix flat with rounder ones and a slight offset.

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