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Pointing out what I thought was a deer across the canyon
Turned out to be a coyote instead
Are the coyote's really big in Utah. . . or are the deer really small? :)

We had a lot of rain fall a couple days ago, so today's walk stayed on the high ground for a while.

I saw some moss:


Passed by some fungus:


Did you notice the old piece of fence wire between the tree and fungus?

Found a crossroads of many different species.


I worked off some brisket rolls (yesterday's dinner) by moving some downfall. ;)


I was testing out a new pack -- @scatman is tempting me with an epic adventure later this year and I needed something with more capacity than my old one.

Difficult to see in the picture, but I'm also testing out a new way to carry the DSLR in the backcountry. Look close and you can see the camera at my left hip. I tried a capture clip last year but it did not get along with my collar bone. I'll provide more details in future posts if my experiment holds merit.

I haven't been very good about my resolve to post more trip reports, but I have been getting out locally. Real life has kept me from driving far, but I'm very fortunate to have some fairly spectacular foothills not too far away. In preparation for my Ecuador trip, I've done the Shadow Canyon trail up to either South Boulder Peak and/or Bear Peak a dozen or so times this year - so here's a few pictures from one of those hikes in early February. It's about 8 miles and 3k' elevation gain round-trip - with some variation for side trails.

Hoping for some more adventure this weekend - weather permitting, I guess.

Weather has varied a lot this winter, but on this particular day it was (almost) all blue skies.
Bit of snow higher up. Some weekends have been ice rinks, others mushy. Mud is the bigger concern when things are melting off and on, but so far this year it hasn't really been a problem.
Saddle between South Boulder and Bear Peaks. On this particular trip I went up South Boulder (pictured) - Bear Peak is directly behind me.
Looking west. (Got a late start, so sun was getting ready to set.)
Looking east towards my house.
Getting dark on the way down.
Are the coyote's really big in Utah. . . or are the deer really small? :)

We had a lot of rain fall a couple days ago, so today's walk stayed on the high ground for a while.

I saw some moss:

View attachment 119199

Passed by some fungus:

View attachment 119200

Did you notice the old piece of fence wire between the tree and fungus?

Found a crossroads of many different species.

View attachment 119201

I worked off some brisket rolls (yesterday's dinner) by moving some downfall. ;)

View attachment 119202

I was testing out a new pack -- @scatman is tempting me with an epic adventure later this year and I needed something with more capacity than my old one.

Difficult to see in the picture, but I'm also testing out a new way to carry the DSLR in the backcountry. Look close and you can see the camera at my left hip. I tried a capture clip last year but it did not get along with my collar bone. I'll provide more details in future posts if my experiment holds merit.

View attachment 119203
Move it around to the front ... I use a fanny pack, but with the pack in front
Dia Dhuit!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! ☘️☘️☘️

Huffed it up Avenues Twin Peaks this afternoon looking for a leprechaun. :)

This one's for @Rockskipper

This one's for Flavor Flav

This one's for the ladies in the backcountry

And this ones for those who just like to relax a bit

Goodness gracious, a pub!

Only one rule, if you enter the Evergreen Pub on Saint Paddy's Day, you've got to drink an Irish car bomb! :D

Let's see if this bartender is up to snuff.

The puzzle pieces

The main ingredient, a pint of Guinness

Chug away!

To the last drop. :)

May the road rise to meet you, and be sure and hike with a leprechaun this weekend to find your pot of gold. :thumbsup:
You do know that when you do the BCP Salute, you have to be facing in the direction of Fremont Peak, right?

And dhá phionta le do thoil!

And here I thought it was Frary Peak! Silly me. :D

Sílim go mbeidh trí phionta uaim le do thoil.
Sílim go gcloisim Sliabh Olympus ag glaoch orm.
After the Mount Olympus fiasco last weekend, I chose a more leisurely walk today as I am still trying to get some skin back on my left butt cheek and left forearm. This was a seven mile walk from my house, down into Memory Grove and up City Creek Canyon to picnic site number twelve.

It's still unseasonably cold here in Salt Lake. It was 31 degrees when we left our house around 12:30 in the afternoon, and there was a brisk wind blowing throughout our walk.

Sheila, checking out the map on the City Creek Canyon sign

We went as far as site #12 before heading back home

City Creek

Showing off the Osprey Daylight shoulder sling

Still feels like January to me

Squirrels were active up the canyon

Red osier dogwood

City Creek

I thought the top of this tree looked like the head of a sandhill crane

More City Creek

Nice contrast

A bird was getting a drink from a small tributary of City Creek

City Creek

Another squirrel back in there

The Pipeline Trail coming off the ridge with Sheila breaking trail down to the creek to check out the trail as it meets City Creek

Nice rock outcrop on the north ridge of City Creek Canyon

Got some Sour Creek vibe to it @TractorDoc. :)

The sun is out!

Stinkbug back in the Aves
Feeling much better after a rough week - of course the kids got sick as soon as I was starting to recover. :lol:

Made it back up South Boulder Peak w/ a 50# pack this morning. Beautiful day with a bit of fresh snow, but the wind was pretty intense outside of the trees. Only snapped one picture about halfway up.

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