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He loves skiing, hiking, and mountain biking, and he wants to be close to all that - which is why he wants to move from Iowa to SLC! He's hoping to work at the U.

Looks like he is moving to the right place then. :thumbsup:
I was all alone in Glacier NP last week, so no one to consider but me. I had my strongest week ever!! 80 miles hiked. 28 new miles hiked so my "Project" total has reached 431 of 734 possible miles. Again.....I am just a day hiker so proud of this lifetime accomplishment. I hiked three class 3,4 (low maintenance/ghost) trails. Made three approaches to the park across the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. (Permit required). For the first time ever I felt the need/desire to unholster my bear spray. Instead of running away she was fairly ambivalent about me. She had two cubs.


a June Hikes.jpg


Yeah, the trail reopened two weeks after the little sneaky eruption in the backcountry of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes NP.
When our PR person texted me about the trail opening, I was out and on a crack-hunting mission for the park.

I was not disappointed at all. In early February, we already had a huge magma intrusion in the same area, with about 20 inches of uplift. A few hours before the eruption, there was another magma intrusion and a dike emplacement in the same area, and another uplift of about 15 inches happened.
This put a lot of stress and strain on the entire area, and I knew there would be new ground cracks.
I was blown away when I saw the new cracks!!

Wow, they propagated from the fissure eruption for several miles to the southwest and have opened the ground for several feet!!
That was the most incredible sight ever.
The crack also damaged the trail in many spots, and the crossing was challenging due to unstable ground, overhanging rocks, and still developing cracks.

I went on both my weekend days, two days in a row.


the lower right bottom part is the trail



I like this shot because it shows the trail and one of the rocks now stranded on a piece of unstable ground


the cracks go all the way to the June 3rd fissure eruption


Zoomed-in image of the June 3rd fissure eruption: it shows how close the lava flow came to the GPS station and gas meaning device

The crack cut across several layers of eruptive history!! I really love the layered sediments, silt, sand, and ash exposed in the crack.
