The Capture camera clip system


Jan 18, 2012
Saw this on Gear Junkie. Looks pretty cool and keeps the camera very handy. The only thing I wonder about is if you were in a place with lots of dust/dirt in the air or if it started raining or something like that. $80 for a little clip system seems steep too but I guess you have to figure in all the R&D and everything.
my buddy todd uses one of these - he has a camera in a housing though, so it's a pretty sweet solution. it's not light though, so when you consider the housing/camera/clip combo, it's pretty substantial.

nice idea though, seems like a lightweight model would work well too. of course, if it rains, you just put it away.
I've been using one with my 60D for six or seven months now. I like it. My Black Rapid hasn't been used once since I got it. Compared to the camera itself, the clip doesn't weigh hardly anything. No more than a strap, less actually, I would guess?

I use a body cover with it, can't remember whether it's a Lenscoat or Optech brand, might even be something else - just a neoprene body glove for the 60D with clear windows and thumb slits.

Just did a quick search for a picture, not surprisingly I don't have one of myself with the camera on the clip. All I found was this, taken by my friend with my camera, where you can see the part that clamps to a belt or harness on the shoulder strap of my daypack.


I only paid $59 for it off of that same website when I bought it though.

be interesting to see the weight. got a scale by chance? i feel like the whole thing is 6 or 8 ounces.

i think it's a pretty good product overall, but the hang up for me is that i don't use a QR plate in the field, since it makes a tripod weigh so much more. so i'd have to take off the arca-style plate when i use a tripod. too much weight/bulk/inconvenience for me personally, but the convenience of the whole setup is appealing.

didn't these guys start as a kickstarter project?
Pretty sure they were a kickstarter project.

I do have a certified digital postal scale handy. Give me a few minutes and I'll get you some exact weights.

Okay, the clip that goes on your belt or harness weighs 4.2 oz. The Arca style base that goes on the camera weighs 1.1 oz. So 5.3 oz total, which is a bit heavier than I'd have guessed.

Threw a couple straps on the scale too just for comparison.

Standard Optech strap (w/out the QR buckle halfs that stay on the camera) - 2.8 oz

Black Rapid Sport strap w/adapter - 5.8 oz

awesome, thanks for the comparisons. actually lighter than i thought.
I would love to try this system out but not sure if I'm willing to pony up for it. I used the Black Rapid for quite a while and liked it but have since fallen totally in love with the Clik Access. Looks like an awesome setup though..
Since you like the Access better than the Black Rapid and I like the Capture better than the Black Rapid, if we ever have the opportunity, you let me try that Access for a couple hours and you can use my Capture :cool:. After a couple hours we should know which one truly kicks azz :D.

ooo I like this idea. I wonder how hard it would to be to ghetto rig one myself
Anyone who has used this have an opinion on how it would work with a micro four thirds setup? Think miniature SLR..

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