Suggestions in a Yellowstone and a Beartooth trip

I wouldn't rule out Thorofare because of the logistics. I did an out-and-back from nine-mile TH down to Bridger Lake and back a few years back and absolutely loved it. The miles go easily because it's effectively flat. If you're like me and used to big mountains at high elevations, you can crank out the days here. Swam in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone River, and Bridger Lake. Saw 2 ranger parties and one hiking party in 7 days. There are also water taxis. You won't regret it if you take that trip.
I've done a very similar route in the Beartooths in 2019. Marvelous country, quite rugged. Be glad to help with any questions you might have.
I found the Beartooth much easier to bang out miles vs. the Ortenburger trip I did with Joey years ago. If you decide on the Tetons, feel free to shoot me a message.
lol ....... Beartooths are like freeway walking.
Great description, Bob. Island Lake, Lady of the Lake, etc are like being on the congested freeway in an urban area. Once you get a few miles out, it's like a rural freeway with occasional construction, lol. I'm headed back to both the Tetons and Beartooth again this year. Beartooth 8/11 through 8/19 with the Maulers if you're around. Tetons in September.....again. Hope you're doing well.
Thanks to all for the answers. In the end I have decided to go two years to the area and make two different trips. There are so many things to see that I think it is worth it. And hope it's not three because the more I read trip reports on this forum the more areas I want to visit. For 2024 I have this one in mind:
Day 1: Flight from Madrid to Billings.
Day 2: Beartooth Hwy and in the afternoon from Slough Creek Th to 2S4 camp.
Day 3: 2S4 to Frenchy Meadows, take South Fork Bull Trail to the Patrol Cabin at the intersection with Buffalo Fork Trail
Day 4: Down to the Trailhead. Sleep in Tower.
Day 5: Visit the Park and sleep in Turpin Meadows
Day 6: From Turpin Meadows to North Buffalo Fork and sleep somewhere once past the Falls
Day 7: Follow the trail until the end and off trail until reach Ferro Lake and then Marston Pass and sleep next to Younts Peak (there are two ponds in the toe)
Day 8: Younts Peak pass and down to North Fork Yellowstone River. Sleep somewhere (around Woodward Canyon intersection?)
Day 9: Go to Bridger Lake.
Day 10 and 11: Come back to the TH following Atlantic Creek Trail and the CDT
This second backpacking trip would be between 80 -85 miles.
Day 12: Come back to Billings

Then, the following year we would do the Beartooth and Lamar Valley backpacking trips, having one more day because we haven't to visit Yellowstone NP

In that Beartooth route that you shared, do you recall how significant the boulder hopping was?

In that Beartooth route that you shared, do you recall how significant the boulder hopping was?

I've done most of this route and can tell you 80% of it is trailed. As a side note, to do this route and skip Summerville Lake would be a crime.
We only had to carry the dog (75lbs yellow lab) 6 or 7 times for a short distance. The longest boulder field I've encountered there is just below Mariane Lake. It's not part of the route listed above and was over 100 yards. Don't get me wrong. You'll encounter boulder fields, but nothing difficult along the route listed above. Pretty smooth sailing.