Spotted: Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac

Post up where you've spotted poison ivy, oak, or sumac.

Wow-it must not be around much in Utah if you can name where it's growing. It's (poison oak) EVERYWHERE in SoCal. BTW, I don't get poison oak. How's that for hitting a genetic lottery? :cool:
Tons of poison ivy along Red Rock Canyon in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison this past made things tricky when we lost the faint trail. I'm surprised neither of us got struck by it!
You lucky bum. I've had poison oak in my bloodstream before. Not good.
S Utah Canyons usually have Poision ivy where it is wetter.....

Depends on the time of year if you get it from brushing thru it...
I've seen some spots of Poison Ivy in Death Hollow.
I've extrem shrub and calagel, but I've never need it in DH. :)

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Technu is a good wash, for within 2 hrs exposure. Calgel or calamine for itching if you get it. DON"T try to scrub or wash it off in hot water, use cold water. Dump the clothes you go thru it in, the oils are really hard to get out.
I've also seen some in some side canyons along the Lower Escalante River...
Right fork of Sevenmile Canyon:

Three Canyon:
I was blasting through poison ivy in Stevens for 4 days straight. Didn't get any reaction luckily.
Many people don't get a reaction the first time they get heavily exposed, but the second time it starts and it just gets worse from there. I learned an interesting, if obscure, thing this week: I used to get into poison oak quite a bit white water rafting and at about the same time became allergic to mango. Turns out this is a known cause and effect, they are in the same family! I'm not allergic to cashews however which weakens the argument in my case (I don't eat pistachios).
Bob, are you allergic to melons too? I had a similar experience, and now I'm allrgic to watermelon, honeydew, cantelope, and a few other fruits.
no, after doing research, i see that it's mango and poison ivy that are related. nothing about melons. I'll have to do some more research...
From WebMD:
The rash that results from the poison plants is a form of allergic contact dermatitis. (Dermatitis is swelling and irritation of the skin.) Skin is not automatically sensitive to urushiol. Sensitivity builds up after the skin is exposed to the substance. When initially exposed to urushiol, the skin alerts the immune system of the presence of the irritating chemical. However, it's common for no visible reaction will occur the first time a person comes in contact with a poison plant. The immune system then prepares a defensive reaction for the next time the skin encounters the substance. This sensitizes the skin so that new contact with urushiol causes an allergic reaction.

From another site:
Myth 7. Some individuals are immune to poison ivy.
True, but don't take that too seriously. In a way, most of us are "immune" as youngsters. That means, we can be exposed to the plant without any significant reaction. Those early exposures, however, do make physiological changes to the immune system that are not readily apparent. T-cells, one of several specialized agents designed to fight invading substances, viruses, and bacteria, develop slowly with each exposure. Lots of exposures speed the process as we become "sensitized."
Eventually, they reach a level where they concentrate at the site of contact with uroshiol and cause the red inflammation we blame on poison ivy. Usually, we become sensitized to poison ivy in our teen years and continue to react to it thereafter.

But....... I had it really bad when I was about 8yrs old, 90% of body covered. Now I rarely break out with it, and I have had a few heavy eposures, maybe just lucky....