Sony A6000

To be honest, my biggest hesitation on purchasing better equipment though (besides the fact that I'm cheap), is that I'm definitely held back by skill and experience, not equipment. As bad as I want to upgrade, I know that what I need most to improve is more practice and more experience.

I call bullshit on that. You are a fine photographer right now, John. In a year, or two or three, from now when you see it, you'll look back and wish you'd captured that stuff with better equipment. Or at least that's how I felt on my journey of hesitation to eventually upgrade to the 'big guns'.
You're a very kind guy Nick. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I know what you mean about regretting it later. I especially regret the years I hiked and never bothered taking a camera at all.
Just picked up a a6000... that 10-18 lens is looking very appealing. Any tips for any polarizing filters?
I love my Sony A6000 and have used it for most of the summer. I think I will do the switch to the Sony A 7 II in the near future and sell my Nikon gear

here a just a few shots taken handheld on a moving boat during a big swell. The camera performed awesome




If interested I can post a little trip report
I'm really tempted to get the lens. It is the one I need for some of my underwater photo shoots. I can't use the Rokinon for it, because I need an autofocus lens. I tried to find a good used one but was not really lucky so far.
Go for it.

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