Album Rock Art and Ruins

Took an alternate route home from Torrey this past weekend simply to stop at Rochester Panel along the way. Kids enjoyed it but they ended up being more fond of all the little cavities in the rocks to crawl through nearby.



I thought this one depicting a hunter was interesting.

I also liked what looked like an iguana or some other reptile.

Also saw...umm..what looked like X-rated carvings along the neighboring rock wall. I can only assume they were not among the original glyphs, and if by chance they were, I would guess they represent fertility and not some ancient form of porn? I'd post a shot, but I'm thinking this forum doesn't want to become NSFW. :)
Those are thought to be Ute

Also saw...umm..what looked like X-rated carvings along the neighboring rock wall. I can only assume they were not among the original glyphs, and if by chance they were, I would guess they represent fertility and not some ancient form of porn? I'd post a shot, but I'm thinking this forum doesn't want to become NSFW. :)
There's a similar scene prominently displayed in the main panel you posted above, too.

I see it now! I noticed the above figure in that arrangement and thought that big spot was just a blemish, but looking at the one below, I see it now. There's so many figures there on that panel it's hard to study the detail of them all in one setting, especially since we were there with out a lot of day light left and had a big storm chasing us as we left. There must be quite a story being told there. It really competes with Newspaper Rock and a few others with how "busy" it is. Those other figures I referenced must be authentic after all. In light of the idea of creation, family survival, and the circle of life, the figures actually become quite beautiful in the context of all that is also represented there on those panels.

I really need to take some time to dig deeper into some real study of the different styles and cultures and what they may have been trying to communicate or depict with their figures.

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