Polly's Canyon - Government Trail Loop

gnwatts........guess I'll find out if you can drop in there :help: guess some ropes are in order.
From what I have read, it is possible to get out or in at Shangri-la. You might want to search Denaliguide on the "site that shall remain nameless",
he is the most knowledgeable person I know regarding Grand Gulch.
I was having to find out info on some routes so I was just searching found the BLM use stipulation page ...... 2013 regs ..... no dogs anymore. http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/ut/monticello_fo/recreation.Par.23860.File.dat/2013 CEDAR MESA USE STIPULATIONS.pdf

Wish they'd get rid of the horses tho, they do a lot of damage to the trails.

Main Permit Page for Cedar Mesa: http://www.blm.gov/ut/st/en/fo/monticello/recreation/permits/grand_gulch_and_cedar.html

Reading the above referenced link:

PETS are not allowed in
any of the Grand Gulch Canyon or its tributaries, Slickhorn Canyons (including East Slickhorn - Outlook Canyon) and their
tributaries, nor within the McLoyd Canyon - Moonhouse Recreation Management Zone. Hiking parties that include pets must abide by the
Cedar Mesa Pet Stipulations as printed in The Cedar Mesa Pet Gazette. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times. Pets must be kept out of
springs, pot holes and other natural water sources. Domestic pets and pack animals will not be allowed in cultural
sites or on archaeological resources as defined in ARPA. This includes ruins, alcoves, and rock
art sites. Pet owners must bury pet waste away from trails, campsites and water sources.

It does not cover the other canyon systems on Cedar Mesa, Johns Canyon, Pt. Lookout, Road Canyon (unless it is in the Moonhouse Recreation Management Zone).
Yep, none allowed in the main GG, Slickhorn, MH drainage. Looks like Mule canyon system is OK as well. I looked up 'The Cedar Mesa Pet Gazette' It says no to pets in Pt Lookout Canyon as well. So we have a conflict at the BLM :rolleyes: lol ...............
Wonderful photos, Greg.
I love your Cedar Mesa reports!
Nice Greg, you gave me some more incentive to check out Cedar Mesa again, perhaps this fall.

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