Planning next summer's cross country trip...

Thanks for the laugh this morning Bob. As an emigrant to the Golden State, I can appreciate your sentiments since I shared them most of my life. I've discovered that CA is bigger and more diverse than I ever imagined, but our bounty makes us smug. We kinda question the intelligence of anyone who whould chose not to live here. And the voting block of ignoramouses who never leave the pavement of L.A. & S.F. makes us politically whacko. But the north coast is another place altogether - they are trying to make their own state.

Anyone researching a backpacking trip to CA should check

VH - what month are you planning this trip? Makes a difference.
Anyone researching a backpacking trip to CA should check

VH - what month are you planning this trip? Makes a difference.

Thanks for the resource. When I spoke with the BLM they didn't really have any suggestions as far as what month was best. I was shooting for June/July since I have a family vacation booked 3rd week of August, but other than that I'm flexible. I know they get a lot of rainfall there but I can't seem to find a resource on how dependent the rainfall is by the month. I'll do more digging.
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I haven't been to the Lost Coast, but I camped on or at the beach in Washington for several nights this past summer and it was an awesome experience. Nothing like the sound of waves lulling you to sleep all night.

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