Pilgrim Creek - Teton Wilderness - October 7, 2016

Scat! You crack me up!
I was just wondering because tracking is hard and I am always learning. They kind of looked like sandhill crane tracks (from memory) and I wondered if you had any other clues - like watching the dang bird walk the tracks :) I pick a. - and I am a better man for it.

You're right, they do look the same just smaller. It's funny, this is the first trip into the GYE that I did not see or hear any sandhill cranes in a number of years. I hadn't thought about that until you mentioned the similarities of their tracks.
Sorry scat but your formula is off.. those are definitely hippo tracks.

You know I studied those tracks for a good hour before I decided that they were grouse instead of hippo. Almost didn't complete my day hike because of my indecision! You have made a common error @Vegan.Hiker . You multiplied by the identity matrix which gives you hippo tracks, instead of dividing which obviously gives you grouse tracks. :) I've made this same mistake many times myself - easy to do.
Nice report Hugh. I love the fall colors in that area.

Great to see Danny made it out for a trip.

I was glad he made it too. He actually fell in on our third crossing of Pilgrim Creek after slipping on a wobbly rock and got soaked. He stuck around camp for the two day hikes so that he would have enough left in his tank to get out.

I was expecting some comment from you on the Tuna! I brought the packets out of retirement along with the Gerber Grouter! Turns out I probably didn't need the grouter because Brian brought a shovel as a hiking stick.
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I was expecting some comment from you on the Tuna!
I went to the original scene of the tuna incident this September, and gave a little speech about it on camera.
Not nearly as much bear sign this year as in the past. No carcasses or bones either down there either.
I went to the original scene of the tuna incident this September, and gave a little speech about it on camera.
Not nearly as much bear sign this year as in the past. No carcasses or bones either down there either.

Can't wait to hear it! You are a brave man to head back through those bear tunnels again.
Can't wait to hear it! You are a brave man to head back through those bear tunnels again.

Actually, we didn't have to walk through them this time. Maybe it had something to do with it being late in the year and the vegetation not being so thick. But we were able to skirt that whole willows part by carefully walking the river bank.

No sadder group of four individuals will you ever see

Well, I'm almost five years late with this, but what was the upper Pilgrim Creek trail like? Besides the mud, I mean. Like deadfall, trail eroded away, stupid steep sections, etc? From the bottom of the big valley up to the Coulter Creek divide it looks like it could be tough going in places. And I think I'll go in the summer rather than October!
Well, I'm almost five years late with this, but what was the upper Pilgrim Creek trail like? Besides the mud, I mean. Like deadfall, trail eroded away, stupid steep sections, etc? From the bottom of the big valley up to the Coulter Creek divide it looks like it could be tough going in places. And I think I'll go in the summer rather than October!

The trail was in good condition on upper Pilgrim Creek when I hiked it. We had no problems staying on the trail and I don't recall there being but one or two trees across the trail that October. There was one hill that we had to climb, but you'll do just fine. October is a great time to be there if the weather window works out.
... Alot happens in 5 yrs....
The trail was in good condition on upper Pilgrim Creek when I hiked it. We had no problems staying on the trail and I don't recall there being but one or two trees across the trail that October. There was one hill that we had to climb, but you'll do just fine. October is a great time to be there if the weather window works out.


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