Album Phone pics...

Big leak in the radiator. Story is at the end of the trip report:

You're lucky AAA came and helped you out. I had a Jeep Cherokee, lost compression as I was climbing Red Mtn Pass (no place to turn around), then coasted down into Silverton. Called AAA and they said they didn't cover that area (this has been a number of years ago), so no tow, and nobody in Silverton could fix it w/o ordering parts etc. A mechanic literally used baling wire to wire my exhaust manifold on so I had enough compression to get back over the pass and into a shop in Montrose. I cancelled my AAA, but it sounds like they're doing a better job now of covering areas. That was the only time I've ever needed a tow. :)
Looking down on Wilson and Jackson WY from Phillips Ridge. Happy to be back on my bike and getting some beautiful miles in.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Carefully packed my camera gear for a trip to the eastern Uintas and Dinosaur recently ... and didn't realize until I arrived that the camera's SD card was still plugged into my computer back in Montana. So here's an iPhone shot of Echo Park on a rainy late-September day:

Some aerial pictures during the flight back to Europe 2018

Hole in the Rock Rd

The beautiful canyons of Escalante

Halls Creek Narrows, Poe Cyn, Happy Dog - Waterpocket Fold, CRNP
03_HcrkN, PoeCyn, HappyDog, WPF, CRNP.jpeg

Mt. Ellsworth and Ticaboo Cyn, Mt. Holmes - The Henries

Confluence of Dirty Devil an Colorado river

Needles Overlook

La Sal Mtn and Paradox Valley

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