Parunuweap Canyon

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Has anyone ever done the Barracks (backpacking, not canyoneering) mid-May? Just wondering if the water will be too high.
It shouldn't matter if it was backpacking or canyoneering. The water was not too high in May 2013 when I was in there. Totally depends on the year and runoff conditions though.
I'd suspect it will be too high....there is a lot of wading about halfway down from Mt Carmel to Labryinth. Like said depends how the runoff comes off..... Of course too high for one is not for another......
This is from a trip down Fat Man's Misery in mid-May a few years ago (horrible winter, so not much run off). You could watch the whole video or if you skip to 5:30 you can see when we're in Parunuweap. We choose to get into all the waterways. We could easily have gone around and only been about waist deep at most.

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