Pandemic? What pandemic?

Wow! Hiker trashing and dirtbagging are now the cool thing to do.

The problem is, we're all human beans and we have this DNA thing that has us wired for the outdoors. It hasn't been that long that we've become sedentary, and we still have the urge to go hunting and gathering. I'm just hoping people will become more aware of how their actions affect everything.

I hope. Not expect.
On another note, we were taking a day hike with friends in Thompson Creek near Carbondale, it was a semi crowded day on the trail, people wearing masks, then 2 trail runners announced themselves forcing us off the trail, they wore no masks, breathing heavy as they ran buy. I was too busy not falling off the edge of the trail to bash them in the heads with a rock. Our county has surging Covid cases right now. They were risking other peoples lives, so they could go for a run on a tight crowded trail, when they could have chosen numerous places to excercise without people. Inconsidrate assholes.

C'mon, @gnwatts How dare you be on their trail, in their way, slowing them down? We should know better. :)

I am certainly grateful that we don't have it bad at all in the Interior this year. Anchorage, I hear, is suffering in the same way as the lesser 48. I'm glad I had to cancel a trip for me and my son to the Sawtooths in July. Sounds like utter madness.

Hopefully many of the Gangstagrammers will realize it's not worth it with the bugs, lightning, and such, and with people like us throwing literals rocks at them.
Interesting article. I think the main take home message is to use the same apps to spread good messages on being less impactful out there. I have my own severe prejudices against people that are inspired to head outdoors for personal cred value and that is that they lack real concern for/knowledge of the natural resources they're visiting. It's just a tool for them to advance some notion of themselves. I admit that my assumptions may be seriously flawed.

I do think the writer is a bit naive thinking that people who are ephemerally drawn to the outdoors will become warriors in defense of the same places but we can hope. Humans have always been a negative impact on natural resources; hopefully this new crowd will evolve into a more educated crowd on how to minimize their impacts.

This site (BCP) is the only social media I use so I really do not fully comprehend what is going on with Instagram, etc, except that my 15-y.o. daughter probably spends too much time on them. :)

a counterpoint on the Sawtooths:
went up this week end, around 50 cars at the Grandjean trailhead, but i saw no one for two days. and only 5 people on the third day. 10 miles were off trail of a 46 mile loop. the wilderness is still out there, just as it has always been. full disclosure, i did see a tent the afternoon of the second day.

Yes Ben the wilderness still out there. Totally agree with you. And Thank the Creator that it is still out there. And that Wilderness is the 'Real' World in my opinion!
Oh, I feel like I am jumping in pretty late haha.
I have feelings all over the place! Obviously, I am a noob, and I rely on your guys help and AllTrails to teach me things. My comfort level is still 'on a TRAIL'. I am definitely part of that new wave that found the outdoors late and probably make it more crowded for people that enjoy solitude. Sorry, not sorry? Haha! I want to share my joy and want others to enjoy it too, buuuut like @Stephanie B said, the Leave no Trace principle is lost on a lot people. And it crushes me. I get so angry picking up other people's garbage or seeing all the toilet paper everywhere! GAWD!
California trails have been a madhouse, more so than before. I accept it though, because it is the only thing in CA that remained OPEN and ESSENTIAL.
The only real difference I have noticed with this onslaught of new COVID outdoor enthusiasts is that they don't seem to be very social? I like to smile and say some sort of greeting to everyone I pass! But lately, I have had a lot of people ignore me or look at me like I am crazy. Even when I am maintaining social distance. Anyone else experiencing this? Makes me bummed haha
The only real difference I have noticed with this onslaught of new COVID outdoor enthusiasts is that they don't seem to be very social? I like to smile and say some sort of greeting to everyone I pass! But lately, I have had a lot of people ignore me or look at me like I am crazy. Even when I am maintaining social distance. Anyone else experiencing this? Makes me bummed haha

Just keep smiling and stay positive like you always are, it’s their loss! We have experienced it, but mostly in crowded areas. IMO the more busy an area or a trail is, the less people acknowledge other people around them.
But we have also met lots on interesting people on trail too. Like last year along the River in Escalante I smiled, greeted a couple on the trail and we started chatting. Very interesting couple and it later turned out they run a restaurant & motel close to a remote National Park. We met for dinner a few days later, had a fun evening and we have stayed in touch. They brought a 15 year old bottle of Burgundy (!) for dinner and we had the best ever salad right in Escalante. That would never have happened if we had all ignored each other on trail. We will visit them one day for sure. We have many other examples like that.:)
Just keep smiling and stay positive like you always are, it’s their loss! We have experienced it, but mostly in crowded areas.

Yeah, I have noticed more crowded areas too and that made sense to me. Especially since in Yosemite, a lot of them don't speak English lol. But my last trip, on the way out, I got a lot of strange looks and it wasn't crowded haha. Maybe it was my hiking dress and sandals? Haha!
But yes, definitely gotta keep it up! I am desperate for outdoor friends and want to find some! I have definitely met some amazingly kind and happy people on trail so far!

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