New to the site! Looking for people to hike and backpack with.

Welcome to BCP! Starting off with a great trip report like you just did is a great way to get to know people. You'll fit right in here. :)
Thank you Nick! Looking forward to meeting new people and to hike new places.
There are so many places here in Utah it's truly amazing. It's hard for me to find people who want to take on longer back packing trips, I just joined also to hopefully find some like minded people here who love exploring Utah as much as I do.
Lots of people I know don't like to hike as much as I do unfortunately.
Ill toss my hat in he ring! there are a couple circuits up in the Uintas I want to re visit this summer, so Im all about some day hikes to get back in shape! whats been calling you ya lately?
Ill toss my hat in he ring! there are a couple circuits up in the Uintas I want to re visit this summer, so Im all about some day hikes to get back in shape! whats been calling you ya lately?

What do you want to check out in Uintas? Right now, Southern Utah is calling me. I am heading out to Moab this weekend.
we're heading to moab this weekend as well. we may go snowshoeing in the La Sals. We're open to ideas for other hikes if you want to team up. We'll be camping.
What do you want to check out in Uintas? Right now, Southern Utah is calling me. I am heading out to Moab this weekend.
the Uintas? Chuckle... ALL of it! Actually I use to work up there for the BSA... Just above Mirror lake at Camp Steiner... So ive got this "revisit the old haunts" thing going on in my head...for example, The Ibantic lake loop (and options) Nick describes, would absolutely qualify as in the area I desire to see again! , I spent my summers 74 thru 77, in the shadows of Baldy and Reeds Peaks... living in a canvas wall tent and hiking the countryside! we use to do a variable loop that started at scout lake, found its way up to Lofty, and wandered into the north side of the grandaddys. I don't even SEE a trail on my current map that duplicates my memory, But back then we were young men, accomplished woodsmen, acclimated to the thin air, and not only practicing those skills, we were teaching them. so I don't doubt we bushwhacked for miles as I try to retrace our steps on a map... I do remember some Brutal climbs!
we're heading to moab this weekend as well. we may go snowshoeing in the La Sals. We're open to ideas for other hikes if you want to team up. We'll be camping.
We are planning to stay at a hostel. I am allergic to cold and camping right now. I am down to meeting up and hiking.