NEW: Sentinel Satellite Imagery in Caltopo

Do tell ????

Click here to view on CalTopo Wrangell-St. Elias "Southern Traverse" route. The caltopo route I have created is a bit messy with a lot of campsites/mileages marked and a few alternate routes, but you'll get the idea. Flying to Anchorage a month from yesterday, hiking with Joey.
Click here to view on CalTopo Wrangell-St. Elias "Southern Traverse" route. The caltopo route I have created is a bit messy with a lot of campsites/mileages marked and a few alternate routes, but you'll get the idea. Flying to Anchorage a month from yesterday, hiking with Joey.

Wild! What % trailless? Tough bushwacking below treeline. I have experience just north of there - on the north side of the Chitina river.
Wild! What % trailless? Tough bushwacking below treeline. I have experience just north of there - on the north side of the Chitina river.

May be a few old trails around the old Bremner mine, otherwise 100% tailless. Looks like most of the route goes above the brush line, just a couple spots that are going to be rough in that regard I think/hope.
I just stumbled upon this thread today after trying for days to plan what to do in the southern Wind River Range and calling ranger stations and gear shops for updates. I am not super technically inclined to be using this software and am tinkering with the "Playground" feature of Sentinel-hub. I have it set for 2 days ago on the date and am hovering over Big Sandy Lake and that area. I get a lot of cloud cover on the high passes (the area where I want to look at snow cover). No matter how I change the date, the clouds are there. So there is a little cloud % slider next to the date that I have been messing with and every time I scale back the clouds I get tons more snow showing up on the ground. If I keep the original cloud cover, the snow looks a lot more melted out. I just want a real time shot at those mountains in order to figure out if where I can feasibly hike to this coming weekend. Any idea if I'm even in the right place? Your screen shots look like you're using a different site.
I just stumbled upon this thread today after trying for days to plan what to do in the southern Wind River Range and calling ranger stations and gear shops for updates. I am not super technically inclined to be using this software and am tinkering with the "Playground" feature of Sentinel-hub. I have it set for 2 days ago on the date and am hovering over Big Sandy Lake and that area. I get a lot of cloud cover on the high passes (the area where I want to look at snow cover). No matter how I change the date, the clouds are there. So there is a little cloud % slider next to the date that I have been messing with and every time I scale back the clouds I get tons more snow showing up on the ground. If I keep the original cloud cover, the snow looks a lot more melted out. I just want a real time shot at those mountains in order to figure out if where I can feasibly hike to this coming weekend. Any idea if I'm even in the right place? Your screen shots look like you're using a different site.

Sorry guys, i think i got a little too excited and frustrated. I tried the EO Browser version and can navigate this version a little better. It's funny though, I'm looking at 3% cloud cover from 2 days ago and in the image there are PLENTY of clouds and they mostly obscure the high passes i'm trying to look into. Snow melt levels are looking promising though!

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