National Park Service and "Fake News"

I can get a little verbose and off topic, old guy talking about back in the day, kind of annoying I know.
However, back to the concept of fake news. President Trump did not invent it, but he has perfected it. For those who have not read 1984, you might want to. The concept of Doublespeak and Fake News, are frighteningly familiar.
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I can get a little verbose and off topic, old guy talking about back in the day, kind of annoying I know.
However, back to the concept of fake news. President Trump did not invent it, but he has perfected it. For those who have not read 1984, you might want to. The concept of Doublespeak and Fake News, are frighteningly familiar.

I try to voice my opinions about that elsewear unless it has to do with a Backcounty topic. (Can you hear the chain rattle as I backpeddle on this thread?) I'm hoping there will not be a major impact to the "sport" So to speak.
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Personally I just hope that BackcountryPost does not change into a Political Forum! I have met many many who are on both sides of the political fence who love the deep backcountry wildes. In the Yellowstone's Thorofare, have met with many a conservative horsepacker who deeply loved the wilderness as much as any liberal hiker. I have seen wayyy too many other forums destroyed by politics and the deep partisan bickering resulting from such. If it is going to turn into a political forum, then start a new place where all posts dealing with politics can be posted, so that we who want to avoid them can so do. First thing there might be one or two posts, then suddenly political posts all over the place instead of people's trip reports. But do think it would be great it this could be a forum where politics would not intrude.

In my personal opinion.
IMO, @Nick has done an excellent job of extinguishing any political fires before they've blown up. The politics on Bogley were a big reason many of the backpackers left that site for BCP!
Interesting, I just found out that Craters of the Moon may be Idaho's first Nationsl Park. Locals and Feds are all happy about which surprises me.

I love that place.

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Interesting, I just found out that Craters of the Moon may be Idaho's first Nationsl Park. Locals and Feds are all happy about which surprises me.

Cool. That's a neat spot. Do you have a link for that?
Defunding National Parks would be less than smart to put it kindly. Americans love the parks, and the Centennial heightened that appreciation. Remember all the Republicans in Utah, etc., that cried when Boehner and Ted Cruz shut down the governemnt and with it park facilities, services, etc.?
Remember all the Republicans in Utah, etc., that cried when Boehner and Ted Cruz shut down the governemnt and with it park facilities, services, etc.?

Utah Republicans used that as fodder to say the state could better manage the parks themselves. Any time a member of congress complains about the performance of an executive agency (NPS, BLM, USFS et al), remember that they have power of the purse strings. The legislative branch could easily allocate the funding to adequately staff those agencies.
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