Mystery "trail" Above Cuberant Basin?

@DrNed I don't know if you noticed, but I found it kind of cool, that you went up there a year to the day from when I first posted about this "trail". Thanks for the reports, due to some medical issues I have not been able to get out as much as I would like.

I may be wrong, but after looking at your pics closely, it seems like there is a mound on one side (West side), as if dirt had been dug forming a trench and all placed on one side of it. Also on that mound side (West Side), it looks like there are a lot of rocks, as well as many rocks within the "trench", and not many rocks on the other side (East Side). This makes me think it is likely man-made.

So after seeing DrNed's report here and his full hike report, I was feeling the CCC theory may be the correct one, they were in the area, just a few years earlier than the aerial imagery Udink shared. So I decided to research what the CCC was actually doing in the Uintas, and this-evening I came across this article -

And one line stood out to me "The CCC in Summit County built the Mirror Lake Highway and cut fire breaks in the Uinta Mountains." Could this be what this "Mystery Trail" is, a fire break? So then I did some more searching with google and found this picture of "CCC enrollees being trained in fire line construction",_Idaho_(3226032351).jpg

It certainly looks like it could be a CCC fire break/fire line. Kind of a simple/mundane explanation though.

What does everyone else think?
@DrNed I don't know if you noticed, but I found it kind of cool, that you went up there a year to the day from when I first posted about this "trail". Thanks for the reports, due to some medical issues I have not been able to get out as much as I would like.

I may be wrong, but after looking at your pics closely, it seems like there is a mound on one side (West side), as if dirt had been dug forming a trench and all placed on one side of it. Also on that mound side (West Side), it looks like there are a lot of rocks, as well as many rocks within the "trench", and not many rocks on the other side (East Side). This makes me think it is likely man-made.

So after seeing DrNed's report here and his full hike report, I was feeling the CCC theory may be the correct one, they were in the area, just a few years earlier than the aerial imagery Udink shared. So I decided to research what the CCC was actually doing in the Uintas, and this-evening I came across this article -

And one line stood out to me "The CCC in Summit County built the Mirror Lake Highway and cut fire breaks in the Uinta Mountains." Could this be what this "Mystery Trail" is, a fire break? So then I did some more searching with google and found this picture of "CCC enrollees being trained in fire line construction",_Idaho_(3226032351).jpg

It certainly looks like it could be a CCC fire break/fire line. Kind of a simple/mundane explanation though.

What does everyone else think?

It's quite ironic that you would mention the mounds on the west side. I was just looking at my photos again and noticed
how the west side has a mound.

I took the liberty of uploading your image.

This type of trench is exactly what I saw.

The only thing that keeps me from being 100% certain is that
this meadow is surrounded, almost entirely, by rock.

Are there any other known fire breaks in the Uintas?

I'm also curious, were these fire breaks proven to effective?

Looks like I'm going to have to make a few phone calls.
Anybody have connections?
So after seeing DrNed's report here and his full hike report, I was feeling the CCC theory may be the correct one, they were in the area, just a few years earlier than the aerial imagery Udink shared. So I decided to research what the CCC was actually doing in the Uintas, and this-evening I came across this article -

Fascinating article. I didn't know the CCC worked that much in the Uintas.
Fascinating thread you all and great research, thanks! Worthy analog to @Aldaron 's and Nick's epic Survivorman detective story.

I vote it was man made and it was a fire break and the trees were later harvested?
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This is one of the reasons why I love BCP. Most people I know would take little to no interest in this kind of thing, but I and so many people here do. Fantastic sleuthwork. Always cool to uncover a bit of forgotten history.
Fascinating article. I didn't know the CCC worked that much in the Uintas.
Fascinating thread you all and great research, thanks! Worthy analog to @Aldaron 's and Nick's epic Survivorman detective story.

I vote it was man made and it was a fire break and the trees were later harvested?

Art, forgive me for being a blockhead, but I'm intrigued. What do mean, " . . . the trees were later harvested?"
What trees are you referring to?


Also, did you ever discover anything about your black orbs found on the mountain top?

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