Mount Olympus - April 5, 2018


Dec 23, 2013
My daughter is on her spring break this week and I decided to take a day off of work so that we could hike up Mount Olympus. Yes, I've posted reports of this hike in the past, but hey it's Mount Olympus!

We arrived at the trailhead at 7:45 am with the temperature hovering around 45 degrees. We made our way up to Tolecat Canyon where we took a short break and then on to the saddle where we took a second break before heading on to the top. While on top, it started to snow as we ate our lunch, but on the way down, the sun poked its head out as we made our way back to the trailhead.

Hey look what I found, a trailhead

The stairs to Hell. My knees groan when I approach these.

Am I going to have to put up with your shenanigans this entire hike?

Looking south along the Wasatch Front

Mount Olympus Wilderness Boundary sign. Oh, and some ugly dude.

Glacier Lilies beginning to show their faces

Good view of Suicide Hill

Arriving at the stream in Tolecat Canyon where we took a break

Katie, making her way up Suicide Hill

This is where the rock stairs up to the saddle begins - Aargh!

Scatman down! Scatman down! I think I have posted more pictures of myself after falling than any other member. Is there a prize for that? :) Is the Scat Universe trying to tell me something? Hey @Artemus , do you think your new truck could pull me back up? :) Scat against the machine! It has a nice John Henry ring to it. I'm sure the movie will be a giant success.

Western Ridge of Mount Olympus

Looking up at the top of Mount Olympus

View from the saddle

The Wasatch Front

Some neat looking icicles on our way up to the top from the saddle

Straight up at this point

Are we there yet? Why did I agree to this?

On top

Wildcat Ridge

Scat Blood! This brings a premium price on the black market. :D I scraped my elbow when I fell earlier.

Yes, I can fit an apple into my mouth - and for my next trick. Notice that it is snowing?

Getting ready to head back down. North Summit of Olympus off to the right.

The sun popped out on our way down. Looking back towards Mount Olympus

The Jeep eagerly awaits! I've hiked up Mount Olympus 30-35 times over the years and I can promise you that I have never been able to park this close to the trailhead before.

The End.
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Scatman down! Scatman down! I think I have posted more pictures of myself after falling than any other member. Is there a prize for that? :) Is the Scat Universe trying to tell me something? Hey @Artemus , do you think your new truck could pull me back up? :) Scat against the machine! It has a nice John Henry ring to it. I'm sure the movie will be a giant success.
Scat, scat, scat! I thought I edumacated you to always, always carry your microspikes with you on Mt. O. :moses:

You know if you would have just called me I would have run a bandaid up to you. No new truck needed. Hi Katie!
Haha! I love your daughter's facial expression. I give my dad the same look, even when him and I are just talking on the phone. Thanks for your wonderful humor! I love the apple reminds me of some sort of high endurance sport commercial (I can see it in my mind, but can't remember the brand).
Scat, scat, scat! I thought I edumacated you to always, always carry your microspikes with you on Mt. O. :moses:

You know if you would have just called me I would have run a bandaid up to you. No new truck needed. Hi Katie!

I did take my spikes, I was just to proud, or lazy, to put them on at that point. The next good sitting rock I came to, I put them on.
Haha! I love your daughter's facial expression. I give my dad the same look, even when him and I are just talking on the phone. Thanks for your wonderful humor! I love the apple reminds me of some sort of high endurance sport commercial (I can see it in my mind, but can't remember the brand).

Thanks for the kind words @Miya! My daughter should be used to my tom foolery by this point I would think. She is a trooper though. I think you are mistaken on the commercial though, it is a low endurance sport commercial (Scattade) that is jogging your memory. :) "Sport" might even be pushing it a little too far.
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Love it Scatman. Those views from the top are great with the dusting of snow everywhere. Tee shirt and kilt in 45 degrees.. your a beast.
A daughter that will still hike with her dad wearing a kilt is a daughter who loves her dad very much and/or has some strong Scottish pride. Fun report to read! Thanks!
Thought you were talking about Mount Olympus in the Olympic mountains of Washington at first... Lol.

That'd be a heck of a day hike this time of year!

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Went up there Saturday, glad for having "Ice trekkers" and a Seattle Sombrero along!

XJ - You've got a heartier soul than I do. What was the weather like up top on Saturday - rain or snow? Did you see anyone else making the attempt?
XJ - You've got a heartier soul than I do. What was the weather like up top on Saturday - rain or snow? Did you see anyone else making the attempt?
Perfect weather for Olympus - seriously that hike is so hot and dry on a "good day" I'll take cool conditions like that! I beat the snow, It was downright pleasant all the way up till I hit the summit ridge about 10:45, wind and rain started right after I got some quick photos on top, then noticed a little sleet mixed in while I took a quick snack on the saddle, then plenty of rain down the forest and a little rain or sprinkles off an on the rest of the way down.

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