Looking for a new bike helmet


Apr 27, 2016
I am in need of a new helmet after going head first into a tree. I'm not even completely sure what happened other than I know my front tire slammed into a tree then my head slammed into the tree. The helmet sacrificed itself to save me from even worse injury than I received. No concussion or brain trauma but I did end up with a cervical strain and 4 fractured thoracic vertebrae. The doctor has told me no running, cycling (except on an indoor trainer), or any upper body resistance training until at the earliest early August. So seems I have time to do research on replacing the helmet so figured I would get some thoughts from those of you that cycle.

The helmet I am replacing is a Giro Indicator but I noticed they no longer make that model. I used this helmet for both mountain biking and road cycling, so I am hoping for another helmet that can be used for both. I also liked that the visor was removable so that I could remove it and attach my headlamp when I did the antelope island moonlight ride.

Since the Giro did a great job ideally I would like to stay with that brand, but I am not sure of which model. I am also open to other brands if any of you have had experience with them, particular how they have handled a crash.

Thanks in advance.
Ouch! Sorry about the wreck and injuries. That is never a fun thing.

I don't have much insight regarding a make or model for a helmet. Just a thought:

A few years ago my buddy went OTB on Ahab in Moab and messed up his nose. Ended up needing surgery later. After that, he ended up getting a full face helmet for mountain biking. I know that goes against your want for a 2 in 1 helmet. Just food for thought. I might get a full face next time I buy a helmet. (I don't road bike...yet).
Look for a helmet that has MIPS Brain Protection System several brands offer it now.

My daughter works for a Fitzgerald's in Idaho Falls she recommends the Bontrager line. She says the Blaze would be good for both MTB and Road. Bontrager has a new wave cell technology and the helmets come with 1 year crash warranty and 30 day money back guarantee. But pricey so it depends on how much you love your noggin and how frequently you intend to use a tree to stop your progress!

Sorry to hear about the cervical strain and fractured vertebrae. Glad you didn't suffer brain damage or concussion.
Look for a helmet that has MIPS Brain Protection System several brands offer it now.

My daughter works for a Fitzgerald's in Idaho Falls she recommends the Bontrager line. She says the Blaze would be good for both MTB and Road. Bontrager has a new wave cell technology and the helmets come with 1 year crash warranty and 30 day money back guarantee. But pricey so it depends on how much you love your noggin and how frequently you intend to use a tree to stop your progress!

Sorry to hear about the cervical strain and fractured vertebrae. Glad you didn't suffer brain damage or concussion.

I will have to look into the MIPS, I'm not familiar with that technology. Also, thanks for the info about Bontrager I will look into them. Every doctor I have seen, including the spine specialist was amazed that I didn't end up with a concussion or even a headache considering I broke vertebrae. That crash was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and also scared my wife to death. She is waiting for me to get a bit better before she starts beating me for scaring her so much.
I will have to look into the MIPS, I'm not familiar with that technology. Also, thanks for the info about Bontrager I will look into them. Every doctor I have seen, including the spine specialist was amazed that I didn't end up with a concussion or even a headache considering I broke vertebrae. That crash was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and also scared my wife to death. She is waiting for me to get a bit better before she starts beating me for scaring her so much.
I am amazed you don't have a concussion! Especially with the rest of the damage you did. Concussions are not to be taken lightly.

Tell your wife to save the beating and just love on ya. If you intentionally wrecked than I would say she had a right to beat on you.

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Nope no intentional wrecking. We don't bike on anything more difficult than a blue rating, so spills are fairly uncommon. The trail I was on is rated green/blue, it was a section where there are a couple of quick dips and when I came out of the second I wasn't able to adjust to the slight turn of the trail and rammed straight into the tree.

If I ever had any inclination of becoming a downhill rider I would definitely be looking into a full face helmet and probably a lot of additional padding.

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