Invite: Exploring Little Colorado's north rim + Colorado East Rim viewpts


May 18, 2012
Two of us from the UK are renting a 4WD Jeep to explore a number of viewpoints over Oct 14, 15, 16, weather permitting if roads are dry. These include Hansbrough Point, Red Wall Canyon and Tatahatso Point on the Colorado's east rim.
We also intend going to points on the Little Colorado's north rim near its confluence with the Colorado, and hiking around an area where it doglegs to the south, while Big Canyon joins from the east and Salt Trail Canyon from the north (so canyons in all directions). These are remote Indian routes although generally maintained, but we thought it would still be wise to have 2 vehicles on the trip, so if anyone else has a 4WD and wants to join us we'd love to have you. We could also probably fit one or 2 others in the 4WD we are renting for those 3 days if you don't have another one. We will camp for sunset/sunrise pictures at 2 of these spots.
I'm jealous! I've only seen the Little Colorado once, many years ago, and want to get back someday.

I can't help with your second vehicle request, but I just popped in to say please be sure to check that your rented jeep in fact has functional 4WD before you drive it away. I didn't even know Jeep made 2WD vehicles until we came across some tourists stuck at the bottom of a hill on the Hole in th a rock Road in Escalante a few years ago. They'd been flying over from Germany to go to Escalante for years, and renting a jeep in Vegas. That year, they got stuck with a 2WD Jeep and didn't realize it until they went to turn the 4WD on and it wasn't there! Fortunately there were enough people on the road that we were able to get them out.
I'm jealous! I've only seen the Little Colorado once, many years ago, and want to get back someday.

I can't help with your second vehicle request, but I just popped in to say please be sure to check that your rented jeep in fact has functional 4WD before you drive it away. I didn't even know Jeep made 2WD vehicles until we came across some tourists stuck at the bottom of a hill on the Hole in th a rock Road in Escalante a few years ago. They'd been flying over from Germany to go to Escalante for years, and renting a jeep in Vegas. That year, they got stuck with a 2WD Jeep and didn't realize it until they went to turn the 4WD on and it wasn't there! Fortunately there were enough people on the road that we were able to get them out.

Thanks for the advice Melissa. Yes, I think you're right - some of the airport rental companies rent out 2WD versions of "4WD cars", but hopefully as we're paying more specifically to go off road to a Page firm he will give a suitable 4WD Jeep. It's looking like we do have a second vehicle now joining us with just one person driving, so if you wanted to just come along there would probably be space in one of the two vehicles.
The LCR is pretty much all Indian land......better check on permits from the local Chapter house.....a million roads out there too...GPSr is a must. Extra gas as its really FAR from anything