Input on upcoming High Uintas trip


Jun 21, 2014
Hi folks, in a couple weeks we are headed out for a 7-8 a day trip. We'll be leaving from the Hayden Pass/Highline TH. MyY itinerary looks like this right now, 1st day make it to Carlyn Lakes area. 2nd day, over Rocky Sea Pass, and either left on the Rock Creek Trail or stay on the Highline, both ending up at Reconnaissance Lake maybe Ledge Lake, but I wanted to see Yard Peak. 3rd day, over Dead Horse Pass, over Red Knob Pass, and over to Crater lake. 4th day, back on trail hang a left up to Lambert meadows/Lambert lake, and on to around the area where Squaw pass trail intersects, camp somewhere above that, maybe above those old cabins that are there. 5th day, over Porcupine Pass and here is where I'm looking for a little advise, staying on the west side of Tungsten Pass at Tungsten Lake or over the Pass and stay at the Lake on the other side. Additionally, we could continue on to the Yellowstone creek area. The Yellowstone creek area even puts the day a little light at about 7 miles buy my estimates, but is there a nice spot in that Yellowstone Creek area? 6th day, up over Anderson Pass, Gunsight Pass, and down to Henry's Fork or Dollar lake. 7th day down and out to China Meadows. Well, any input or suggestions would be welcome.
I was just there. We came up through the Garfield Basin, over Tungsten, and into the Yellowstone Creek area, then down the Swift Creek drainage. If that day is a light mileage day, I would recommend you get as close to the initial climb of Anderson Pass as you can. There are some great places to camp, but no lakes. If you are wanting to be by a lake, Tungsten Lake would be a better place than the unnamed lake on the east side of the pass. You can find decent fishing in the lakes north of Tungsten.

Sounds Fun!
Hi folks, in a couple weeks we are headed out for a 7-8 a day trip. We'll be leaving from the Hayden Pass/Highline TH. My itinerary looks like this right now, 1st day make it to Carlyn Lakes area.

I would suggest if you're going as far as Carolyn Lake, just keep going to Pigeon Milk Springs - best water I've ever had in the Uintas. There are two really good camp spots there as well. I don't know the directions there off the top of my head, but as you're on the trail just before you get to the spring on your left across the stream that comes from the spring is the best one. Totally shaded and flat. Plus your right next to some nice cold water!