Guess the spot

Okay, I'm gonna do this one a little different. I have chosen a photo that should be pretty easy to recognize. But instead of giving you the whole thing, I am going to start with it heavily cropped and slowly 'zoom out' until someone gets it. This first shot still has some really good indicators so it might go pretty quick.

:) Tough one...could be lots of places. But, I like the "zoom out" idea.

How about heading into Halls Creek Narrows?
:) Tough one...could be lots of places. But, I like the "zoom out" idea.

How about heading into Halls Creek Narrows?

Getting pretty warm, but I'm looking for something more specific. This place has a name. ;)

Another zoom out....


And yeah, I like zoom out idea too. Makes it more fun to post photos that would be too easily identified right away. :)
Yes sir! As seen from the overlook near the air strip that should not ever be confused with the air strip sneak route. I saw some crazy pics a while back from an accidental decent here. I sure wish @Tammy B would post a trip report up from that! ;)

You're up, Mike!

Wow, lucky to stumble upon the correct area! The rock reminded me of the shortcut route...then I stumbled on @NateGeesaman 's TR and confirmed it. I didn't know that's' what it was called.

I hope I haven't done this one before...too lazy to check (and too lazy to do fancy zoom out pics like Nick).

Name the arch:

ua.jpg . =)

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