Guess the spot

Not Clyde... a bit too far to the north. This one is Watson Lake, my first Uinta experience. This was only a one-day fishing hike. We fished Watson, Cliff, and Crystal lakes on September 22, then Trial, Marion, Star, and Haystack Lakes on the 29th. Though it's a bit late in the season now, next year I really hope to be able to backpack into some of these areas and spend several consecutive days - family and work commitments allowing.

So how should this work? Next ??
If I would ignore the Mtn's in the background, it looks like everywhere in Germany. :)

Gesendet von meinem ViperXed HOX |2.7.1| mit Tapatalk 2
If I would ignore the Mtn's in the background, it looks like everywhere in Germany. :)

(You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley...) This one is in the Wasatch Front.
Additional hint... This is one of those 'right at my backdoor' hikes.

Does anyone else have a guess for @Joe's spot? Otherwise third times a charm Joe! Post another.
Maple Flat?? Total shot in the dark as I've never been there. =)

Close, but not quite. This is at the front side of Timp, atop "G" Mountain in Pleasant Grove, between Grove Creek and Battle Creek canyons. The top photo is a fallen tree atop the mountain, one of only a few in this meadow. Second photo is the view from a memorial bench set up at the waterfall and bridge where the trail crosses to the southern side of the mountain. The memorial bench was set up about 10 years ago in memorial for someone named Les Case, a mountain biker that apparently fell to his death over one of the ledges on this trail.


I was quite amazed the first time I ever took this hike. Timp's front side appears so barren and dry, yet there is plenty of waterfalls and greenery hidden in the canyons. The top of "G" Mountain is a meadow which completely surprised me. Also up here is the spring for the source of Grove Creek and Indian Campground - a common destination for my scout troop when we run out of funds to go further from home.


The Great Western Trail also crosses up here, as does the unpaved section of Timanooke Road.

I don't have anything else to share at the moment... I'm still getting most of my photos organized. Someone else please join in and post.
...pretty good info, Joe!
Thx a bunch for sharing. :)

Gesendet von meinem ViperXed HOX |2.7.1| mit Tapatalk 2
...Cedar Mesa? :)

Gesendet von meinem ViperXed HOX |2.7.1| mit Tapatalk 2
"In the immense sandstone spur outcropping between ________ and ________, about ten miles north of the San Juan River, we noticed a large cave in one of the deep canyons in the ledge, and, examining it with our field glasses we thought we could distinguish ruins near the opening. Four of us started to investigate and found it a cavern of great dimensions, with the whole floor under the overhanging ledge studded with ruins. The canyon in which this picturesque cave town is situated is wild and beautiful, shut in on all sides by high sandstone cliffs, and having only one narrow entrance. The foliage is almost tropical in its luxuriousness. We found cactus plants of gigantic size, and grass and flowering plants over a foot in height, while the bare rocky ledges were studded with cedars, cottonwood and pinions. This luxurious growth of cactus and of other plants which were stunted upon mesas is probably caused by the heat being retained in the bare, rocky ledges, thus producing the forcing effect of a green house. We have named the place Cold Spring Cave, on account of the fine spring of cold, clear water away in the back interior of the cave. it flows out from under the heavy sandstone ledge into a round, clear pool, and, after passing through a short outlet, sinks into the ground and disappears, not half a dozen feet from where it started."
...Cold Spring Cave Ruins, west of Butler Wash Rd.
Between Mexican Hat and Bluff, 10 mi north of the SJ-River.
Did you mean that? :) I was not quick enough. Has had to check my map portfolio before post.

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