Guess the spot

I think I found the location of this feature! I'll have to look for it when I'm there in a few weeks!

N 44°42'39.71", W 110°44'25.09"
Very cool that it's still standing out there in the middle of the river.

LND_8967 (Large).JPG
Yep, that's the same spot. Can't quite make out the Owl Creek range in your photo, though. ;)
Oops, I posted that in my hurry to leave town last week--I ought to mention that the photo was of Red Canyon Rim south of Lander, Wyoming.
Yep, that's it! A great multi-day canoe trip on the Missouri River in Montana.
IT looks like the white rim in the distance.

Yes it is.

Yeah, definitely canyonlands. I tried to locate it on the map but got stumped...

This place has its name written on the USGS topographic map. The picture was taken less than a couple hundred yards from a picnic table and a restroom.
United Nations Tablet from off of the Anticline Overlook Road

You've got it ! The easier answer "Canyonlands Overlook" was also OK for me.

(BTW that's me who came to say hello at your trailer in Boulder in June)
You've got it ! The easier answer "Canyonlands Overlook" was also OK for me.

(BTW that's me who came to say hello at your trailer in Boulder in June)
I knew it was you as soon as I saw you! :cool:

I was just at the Anticline Overlook the day before you posted this, but for some reason did not drive over to the Canyonlands Overlook. Now I am wishing I had.

next picture: Bonus if you can name the 'lake' it is near.

is my spot a little too esoteric or is no one currently checking the thread? ;)
if no guesses by this afternoon I will post a different spot.
here's a clue - when talking to a notable geologist from NAU and discussing this mountain, he stated that he believes it may be one of the last remnants of the original level of the uplifted Colorado Plateau before downcutting. it has been debated as to whether or not it is a laccolithic mountain as well. as far as i know, it is also the only southern utah mountain to have had a glacier during the last ice age. (update, the Markagunt Plateau also did, but this mountain has definite signs)
with these clues, i'd like an answer more specific than just the name of the mountain.:cool:

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