Guess the spot

My first thought was maybe somewhere up in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area.
Wow! So it is in the Indian Peaks Area. I hiked in there many years ago. Now gotta go look at the map of the area. The Indian Peaks have some nice country.
I'm not surprised to hear it's in the IPW, but I can't figure out exactly where it is. It reminds me of some of the views from the Lone Eagle Cirque area, but I don't think I can match it exactly. You've got to give the details if nobody guesses it!
It's on the western side of the Divide, but not the Lone Eagle Cirque.
This is killing me... Wheeler Basin? It doesn't look like Thunderbolt Creek, Hell Canyon, or any of the other basins that I can think of (although it doesn't look like the pictures I've seen of Wheeler Basin either)
This is killing me... Wheeler Basin? It doesn't look like Thunderbolt Creek, Hell Canyon, or any of the other basins that I can think of (although it doesn't look like the pictures I've seen of Wheeler Basin either)
I think that the fact that the image is taken with some zoom might be throwing you off. It's not Wheeler Basin.
I'm missing the reference. Actually you saw a picture taken from the same spot but looking more west.
I was thinking it reminded me a little of up above Tom Miner, but I'm drawing a blank. It really looks familiar, but my eyes are crossed from playing too much Monopoly with my niece. She has the Yellowstone Edition. I now own Old Faithful Inn, but I'm still losing.

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