Guess the spot: Utah Edition

I am immediately reminded of the area to the west of Hwy 12, between Boulder and Escalante, so I will throw out the Escalante River as the canyon to the south.
Winner is @Titans.
This drainage we walked on day two of a two days hike. That loop, Capitol Gorge - Pleasant Creek - Capitol George offers spectacular views in a very beautiful part of CRNP.

You’re up! :)

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Next, name the canyon, sorry @regehr another nondescript canyon….)

A somewhat poor campsite choice during the Fall, as the cold settled there and the sun disappeared quick and arrived late.


If you have been to the canyon you might recognize this one nearby:
@Titans: Definitely nondescript, but I do have a couple of ideas.
Question- is this closer to Blanding, or Escalante?
off topic but what are those sharp-ass yellow plants in foreground of last photo? they make my life hell
off topic but what are those sharp-ass yellow plants in foreground of last photo? they make my life hell

Exactly, they are hell, especially when you set up the tent in the middle of them! I whacked a bunch of them with the shovel before setting up the tent. And we were warmer 1500 feet higher the next night, hard to believe but true. Cold air settles.

@SteveR - think Blanding, not Escalante. And actually the road to Blanding was closed (bridge closure), what a royal pain in the rear that was.

@John Morrow - no insider trading issues, we just needed a campsite and it was getting late! I try to pick a photo, so you won’t get booked for insider trading.

Im pretty sure almost all of you have driven right by this canyon, but your eyes have been focused on all the interesting stuff on the west side. So here’s a photo looking south or southwest from camp:

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Looks like it might be Comb Ridge in the distance, but there's a good chance I might now get booked for insider trading....
That far ridge looks so familiar. Is it chimney?
Nope. After enlarging for better look, not even.
If that's comb ridge I'd say cottonwood wash. Lot's of cool stuff in there.
would also explain why it looks so familiar. Lived in bluff a couple years and spent lots of time there.
Looks like it might be Comb Ridge in the distance, but there's a good chance I might now get booked for insider trading....
It is Comb Ridge! I haven’t told you where we camped, so it cannot be insider trading.

@westy - no, its not Cottonwood Wash. Cool that you lived in Bluff!
That was a very fun 2 years.
One more try. Stevens canyon?
Seeing that last picture confirmed my initial thoughts that it might be in the Butler wash area, but it was late last night and I couldn't put a name to the side canyon. As they say- you snooze, you lose!
That is a very suiting name I must say. Majestic. Sadly though the usgs moniker for the ridge this bulge is part of is less regal.

So what I meant to say was name that ridge.

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