Guess the spot: Utah Edition

Just north of Doubletop - that contour use-trail around the west side of a little bump.
Darn, I really thought I recognized it. Is in the Deep Creeks - Haystack or Ibapah perhaps?
Going out on a ledge here (haha)... not Mt Timpanogos is it?
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Do we need a hint or do we want to mull a bit more?
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no guesses?
I was not specific enough in the first post, but looking for the peak name.
Perhaps as a hint this peak looks different from this direction, the back, than it does from the front.
Doesn't look very peak-like...

Here are a few hints...
It is definitely not as recognizable from the back as the front.
Here it is zoomed out with a lake that may help. The devil's in the details.

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