Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Ooo very nice. Round Island next to Bois Blanc.

I just read a (very boring, hard to follow) book about the late 1700s/early 1800s North American fur trade. Despite being a difficult read, it had me wanting to go see Mackinac, Bois Blanc, and various other places along the old fur trade routes.
Wild Horse Island ....Flathead Lk Mt
You'r up...... Obscure mostly except those in utah
Scapegoat Mountain ..... Scapegoat wilderness....
Name and where, the stand alone peak lower right.

North of Utah, Nevada
Moonshine Mountain
Lol ..... Got you going, it took so long I thought I'd make someone wonder more. I was going to fess up.....after a bit

Yep it is a old lava flow breakout in an old Yellowstone caldera rim ... Just down from island park

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