Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Oops, better bump this.

I would never find that unless I'd been there. It looks like a great hike through grizzly country on up to Crandall and the Clark Fork. Have either of you done it?
I would never find that unless I'd been there. It looks like a great hike through grizzly country on up to Crandall and the Clark Fork. Have either of you done it?


Nope, on the list. At least it was, are there really grizzlies there? Cra*! I thought they had all gone to Central Park.

Oh yeah, if you hike to it from the Miller Creek side, look for the big red line on the ground and you'll know you've gone a little too far.
You might want to tell him that he can hop a freight to Chicago pretty easily, then switch yards and take Conrail all the way to New York. From there, it's an easy walk.
I was at Albertson's here in L-town this morning, and I noticed they sell bear spray. Maybe I should get a can if I'm going to become a hobo.
No guesses, I’ll narrow it down a little. This spot is both North and West of Salt Lake City, so good luck.
That vaguely reminds me of the ski resort place just barely northeast of Rainier, in the Norse Peak wilderness. PCT runs by it, just to the east. Not quite right, but the topography looks similar. Gonna go look there.....

Yeah, never mind. That's not right at all.

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