File Size Restrictions


Hiker Trash
Jan 4, 2015
Twice in the last week I've gotten an error message that a file was too big to upload. The first was a Guess the Spot map in PNG format; the second was a garden-variety JPEG. Timing-wise, this appears to correspond to some (otherwise good-looking!) site updates.

Wondering if anyone else has had this issue as well? Not sure if it's an intentional choice to save server capacity, or just a "default settings" thing that needs to be changed?

Tagging @Nick :D Thanks for all you do to make this site great.
Well, our disk has been getting a little on the full side, but it's not limited for that reason. We just did some updates and it looks like maybe that has changed something. Anything under 2MB should upload fine, but let me see if I can get that cranked up.

This should be all set now. We upgraded to a bigger/fancier server with more disk space, RAM and processing power. I've changed the max upload size to 10 MB files now, so there's still a chance you'll get rejected if it's really big. We could go bigger but I'd like to see how this goes. The problem with going huge is the processor/ram requirements when someone tries to upload and attach 50 images that are all 20MB in size. The server has to resize and crunch all of them and it's quite intensive.
This should be all set now. We upgraded to a bigger/fancier server with more disk space, RAM and processing power. I've changed the max upload size to 10 MB files now, so there's still a chance you'll get rejected if it's really big. We could go bigger but I'd like to see how this goes. The problem with going huge is the processor/ram requirements when someone tries to upload and attach 50 images that are all 20MB in size. The server has to resize and crunch all of them and it's quite intensive.
Awesome. I just tried uploading one of the files in question and it worked. Thank you very much!