Feedback on this Med Kit?

I see trauma shears and a mini knife. I assume you are carrying another knife so why three cutty things? I would ditch about 95% of that kit, but that's my threshold of acceptable risk. YMMV.

Agreed on the leukotape. Stuff is money. Will keep a dressing on your sucking chest wound.
For longer day trips I carry the following:
  • emergency blanket
  • NSAIDs
  • electrolyte tablets (Hammer Endurolytes) if it's warm
  • climbing tape (Mueller Eurotape or something similarly durable)
  • knife
The tape doubles as a band-aid, a splint (w/ a stick), and I've used it to repair delaminating running shoe soles. I've never felt like I needed more, even after having a large boulder fall onto and shred my finger.
Best way to carry Leukotape IMO is to stick it to some old sticker/stamp paper, the stuff with the glossy backing.
Best way to carry Leukotape IMO is to stick it to some old sticker/stamp paper, the stuff with the glossy backing.

That's a good idea. I usually wrap about a foot around a used gift card. Same with duct/Gorilla tape. I carry folding mini-scissors and cut what I need.

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