Favorite location with no cell phone service

Oh my gosh, best thread even. All tech we're living with us driving me crazy. I just want to get away from it all. These photos you've been sharing is so damn inspiring. Please, keep 'em coming!
John Morrow, you also don't have a cellphone .... Yea! You then are just like myself for I also live without one and love living without one. Wishing You The Best!
Y’all are gonna love this...I’ve got spotty cell service in my livin’ room here in NW Austin! But I’ve had great cell service in an anasazi grainary in Ut and in th middle of nowhere in MT , Big Bend NP
and Wy...go figure
I drive West into Western Box Elder county and lose signal, and luckily most of Logan Canyon still doesn't have cell signal although I think that will probably change before too long.
Christopher Walken is one crazy fine guy. I have a cousin who is similar in some respects to a few of you. He doesn’t own a computer and certainly not a cell phone. He is kind of a genius though. Get this, he has Bill Gates personal phone number and creates things for him such as a spiral staircase. He has been doing amazing things since he was 8 years old. The guy who doesn’t believe in computers working for the biggest computer genius/nerd in the world.
But as I said previously they do far more than making phone calls. I’ve been doing some interesting photography work with mine and I just love the gps and map features.
However I do detest the desecration of the wilderness or that stately old fire tower with cell tower equipment as in the article Scatman posted. And I understand why some don’t use smartphones out of choice and personally know some. That doesn’t bother me in any way. I’ve got 99 problems but trying to figure any of that ain’t one of them. I gave up wondering why people do the things they do a long time ago.
They can makes some okay images from such a tiny package.


On my last trip I was up a box canyon checking out petros in Nevada...last place I would think of having service, Vibrate just about scared me out of my skin. It was a reporter from the local newspaper wanting to know how the Covid restrictions were affecting my business. It was a very weird juxtaposition sitting there using the most modern form of communication amidst these messages from the past.

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A friend gave me an iPhone because Verizon was supposedly going to quit supporting my old flip phone (3g). I've been trying to get used to it, don't really like it all that much, but the idea of taking photos w/o carrying my DSLR is pretty nice. I hardly ever get calls or make them, so it's more of an emergency tool/camera for me, but will experiment with the GPS and all.

ETA: Last night's sunset above Moab (actually out there, not from my window this time). :)


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A friend gave me an iPhone because Verizon was supposedly going to quit supporting my old flip phone (3g). I've been trying to get used to it, don't really like it all that much, but the idea of taking photos w/o carrying my DSLR is pretty nice. I hardly ever get calls or make them, so it's more of an emergency tool/camera for me, but will experiment with the GPS and all.

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Rockscipper the new iPhones have gotten better and better with photography. My images above were shot with my older iPhone 7 Plus with raw files. Recently I got the new iPhone 12 Pro Max and it comes with a new option to shoot ProRaw in 12 bits and uses SmartHdr and Deep Fushion to give around 14 to 15 stops of dynamic range. I’ll be getting out to really use it soon when my heel fracture is healed. Lol
GPS is excellent, as good as my old Garmin imo. Been using gps since 1993 and around 2004 as a companion to map and compass. The OLED screen is huge and maps can be zoomed easily. I had the Gaia app and liked it but moved to Avenza and it’s easy to get free maps from https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/viewer/#4/39.98/-100.06
You can find all scales. I think it’s the 2011, no just checked 2014, 1:24000 series that look the best for around my area. So you can try all that for free as long as your model has a gps chipset and it probably does. You can record routes and lay waypoints, lots more too no cell signal needed. Avenza has some excellent maps for sale too.
Here is a map I bought from Avenza, the area we walk to from home.


I don’t believe as some who have never used one, that smartphones exhibit Machiavellian bearings. Tonight I’ll resume listening to The Sixth Extinction a book I downloaded to my iPhone with the BARD app, Braille and Audio Reading Download from the National Library of Congress which gives any book of the countless books there at no cost and no waiting or any check in time. Streaming Classical music is another feature I use with Amazon Music Unlimited, any song or album ever made etc. at the small cost of $6.40/mo. Nobody hears any of this but me as I have wireless Airpods. So it shouldn’t bother anyone. I love books but can’t read the printed page. My vision is less than 20/200.
I can see the compass on the iPhone but can’t read my old magnetic compass. Funny because I used paper maps every day of a 3 decade career but prefer digital now.
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Rockscipper I think there will remain some very serious DSLR users but as every year’s evolution of smartphones arrive they will become less and less prized by the masses. Night mode on the iPhone 12 series is flat out amazing and will let one take a ten second exposure hand held and a 30 second exposure on a tripod. It’s one or two second exposure just lights up the darkness like nobody’s business. It turns night into day. The main camera has had a larger sensor update and works on sensor stabilization where it can move up to 5000 times per second. I have hand held 10 second exposures with it. The tele camera is optically stabilized and will move up to 1000 times a second. The ultrawide camera has no stabilization but it is an equivalent of 13 mm so you can brace and do some great work with it too. The 12 Pro Max is far above the old 7 Plus on many photography levels.

I really like the smaller size of your compact SE. I’ve seen some excellent work come out of them. There are a few backpackers I know swear by the SE.
Yes for another person who lives without a cellphone! Congrats Christopher Walken!

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