Exceptionally Disgusting Acts of Human Stupidity

The gate to the area has to be signed in detail. By that I mean clear statements of what is against the law and statement of penalties. That fact that the area was under surveillance is a good thing. There is probably more footage that provides more detail, but we, the public ,will not know about it. The LEO's of the NPS, USFS, and BLM, are very tight lipped.

If they are caught and convicted, it will be a long shot to punishment. I assume the prosecution will take place in the LA district of federal court. That is very good news indeed, because the feds do not mess around. The fact is that judges just do not punish with long prison sentences for crimes like this but there is a kicker here. If these grease bags caused the extinction of the fish, that opens the case wide open to serious penalties indeed...if the judge will do it.

...well that rips it. Should have read Dan_85's post before spewing. There again, the enforcers and legal teams WILL NOT PUNISH in any way for the damage the idiots cause.
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Those people seem like the kind that would see any publicity as good publicity. It is amazing how many a-holes you run into when you visit national parks. It is nowhere near as bad as any of these incidents but the first time I visited Arches we hiked up to Delicate Arch to get sunset pictures, along with about 300 other people. There was a couple that decided it would be a perfect setting for their engagement photos. They set up under the arch with photographers snapping picture and picture. There were tons of people wanting to get their picture taken under the arch or to get the arch minus people in a picture and this couple and their photographer just wouldn't move. Eventually some woman totally lost it on them and they stepped aside. After that people would go stand under their arch snap a photo then move on, and once the sun started setting everyone else was polite enough to get out of the way for the sunset pictures. I guess the point is out of about 300 people there were 3 that felt they were entitled to do whatever they want, while the rest were very polite and respectful of the area and each other. It is too bad that the a-holes just put a damper on the entire experience.

I think the NPS has banned backpacking because people are stomping the crust anyway.

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