East Fork/Barracks

Jan 19, 2012
I think I have decided to stick close to home for my May backpack I was wondering if anyone can help me with a few questions about Parunuweap.

Disclaimer the guy I am taking is relatively new to backpacking...Should be in decent shape but...

Currently I have 1 night maybe 2 to work with and have decided on two options. Hopefully some of you can chime in

Day 1- Get started very early like 6Am, drive down poverty road as far as I can, hopefully starting by 6-7AM, hike in and set up a base camp somewhere between Mineral Gulch and Rock Canyon. Drop off pack and hike as far into parunuweap as possible (hopefully to the powell plaque) turn around and get back to camp at dark.

Day 2- Sleep in, visit the petroglyphs, and leisurely explore mineral gulch, in late afternoon/night hike back to the car

Question-How far is it from poverty road to the powell plaque

Day 1- Get same early start but instead hike in using the checkerboard escape route. Set up camp before dropping into parunuweap somewhere near the rim, drop into the canyon and spend all day exploring lower parunuweap

Day 2- Wake up and get the heck out of there before it gets hot!

Question- Many of you have used the escape route how difficult is it? Do I need a rope or webbing?

Option 3
-Rock Canyon exit?
Suggestions using my time constraints? Am I being overly ambitious? Anyone else interested

I am going to tag a couple of you that I remember seeing TR for misery/parunuweap
Nick, Bill, Jammer, Don, lostlandscapes, JamesM, dman
Question- Many of you have used the escape route how difficult is it? Do I need a rope or webbing?

The powell plaque exit isn't hard at all.
When you get to the point where you need to climb go up, right, and then cut back left. I didn't do this the first trip (I stayed left) and it was a bit sketchy. We did it again this past weekend , the exit was a cake walk and I never took off my 25lb pack.
May 28-29

My summer went from being empty of plans to 90% full. I took a summer job with the DNR and will be out counting fish on the Virgin River all summer! Thats why it is kinda last minute and midweek but if anyone wanted to tag along you are more than invited and if you wanted you could always start with us and stay longer or start from the top and meet us in the middle or...
Need to check a few things but I do think I can go.
You can come down the canyon from the south side, I believe it's Rock canyon, longer drive to it tho. I'd have to dig out my map on this. Also Mineral Gulch. The Powell Plaque exit Is not hard with a pack but it is a exposed climb, no rope needed, almost vertical for a bit, lots of decent holds tho. I'll have to check my map info for distance, etc. Been a few years since I was through there. Started at the end of the dirt road from Carmel Jct. and exited at the Powell Plaque.

I'd wouldn't mind tagging along...... I only have to be back in town on the 30th. Can I pm you or ?
You can come down the canyon from the south side, I believe it's Rock canyon, longer drive to it tho.

I'd wouldn't mind tagging along...... I only have to be back in town on the 30th. Can I pm you or ?

Ya I am looking at the south side right now! Looks like it is near elephant butte that option looks to put you a bit more in the middle of Parunuweap so it looks as if you could go up canyon one day and down canyon the next to the good stuff!

If we could figure out a shuttle system we could even start at poverty, camp the one night close to what is commonly called "french canyon" the next day explore down canyon past the rock obstacle before turning around and hiking out at french the next day late afternoon.

Go ahead and PM me!

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