Eagle Rock Loop Trail in Arkansas

Feb 18, 2018
On my first foray back into backpacking I failed miserably.

Or at least failed if your only measurement is completing the trail. I did however learn a lot.

1. Don't pick the hardest trail in Arkansas to get back into things.
2. Know your limitations. My brain said I was still 20, and I got this! My body however said... you're a damn 45yr old fool!
3. Don't think you can still carry a 50+ pound pack.

I know that my food bag was just a hair on the heavy side. I was packing for 7 days, and had read that two pounds a day was about right. My food bag ended up weighing in at 15 pounds 7 ounces.

I knew my camera gear was heavy, but didn't know how much until I got home and started weighing things. As a professional photographer, I can't go with just some point and shoot. I've also started recording my trips for my youtube channel. My DSLR, Tripod, and video camera came in at 9.87 pounds. 5.31 pounds of that was tripod.

Now that, I can possibly do something about providing I can find a lighter weight tripod that meets my needs... which are kinda particular. Now I just have to figure out how to reduce some of the other weight.

That's a nice shot! Keep em coming! Glad you got out there even if it didn't end like you wanted. What trail were you on?
That's a nice shot! Keep em coming! Glad you got out there even if it didn't end like you wanted. What trail were you on?

Thanks, I was on the Eagle Rock Loop trail in southwest Arkansas. I have more images on my site. Can I post a link or is it against the rules to promote your stuff? I also have video of the trip up on youtube.
Thanks, I was on the Eagle Rock Loop trail in southwest Arkansas. I have more images on my site. Can I post a link or is it against the rules to promote your stuff? I also have video of the trip up on youtube.
Definitely ok to post a link, esp since you're contributing here as well. And you can embed a YouTube video right into the page here :)

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