Dolores Canyon Overlook


May 29, 2013
Years ago (2003) we had to repair our car first before we could start for a short trip in the afternoon. We decided to look for a view point we heard about. It should be located on the brink of Dolores Canyon.

We took UT 128 to Dewey Bridge and from there Entrada Bluffs Road normally used to go to Top of the World. This road comes wide and easy, even a limousine could use ist - at least for some miles.

(Pictures are old slidescans - limited quality!)


Old Dewey Bridge then....


....and now

The bridge burnt on April 6, 2008.


Entrada Bluffs

Entrada Bluffs are grey and salmon hued, quite different from other sandstone members. One may not recognize it immediately but Entrada lacks rubble piles at the cliffs feet.


Nice peak

The road leads through Cottonwood Canyon down to Dolores River but as far as we know this is private property. At 12S 0654420, 4294395 another gravel road leads to the south.


Entrada Bluffs Road in Cottonwood Canyon




Entrada cliffs

Along Sevenmile Mesa the second road reaches 12S 0656405, 4287790 on a junction.


Sevenmile Mesa

At first we used the trail straight ahead - wrong one! The right one goes to the left.

Straight ahead becomes tough after a while. We don't know - but would like too - if a good SUV could reach the bottom of this Cottonwood Canyon. (Not the same as mentioned above!)


In a distance: Uncomphagre Uplift

The trail ends at 12S 0661740, 4289760 with a loop to turn around. No spectacular view! Walk 100 feet and you get the view!


At first not that interesting


In a short distance: Dolores River Canyon downstream

The view point is some 800 feet above the River.


A rapid below


The river upstream



The "other" Cottonwood Canyon
Nice haven't been there, but had a interesting crossing of the Dolores in trucks near there one fall hunting....
Nice haven't been there, but had a interesting crossing of the Dolores in trucks near there one fall hunting....

Happy New Year!

As far as I know there are two fords only on the whole stretch in between the Dolores River mouth and Gateway, CO. The first one is in Roberts Bottom (other side is named Lake Bottom). From Dewey Bridge use Entrada Bluffs Road (i also red the name Shura Rd) After a good mile at 12S 0648790 4296150 use the not so obvious trail up a little hill to the left. Tis intersection may be missed easyly. two and a half mile later you reach the river bank.

The other one is farther south. Stay on Entrada Bluffs Road for the next 6 miles. Down there the road is named Entrada Ranch Road. It is the access road to a gaging station. Years ago there was a gate and it looked like private property. Maybe someone else knows more. At least in the early 20th centure there must have been a ranch at Utah Botton (Lockhart family?) At the eastern end of Utah Bottom is another ford leading up to Granite Creek. We have seen this road from Granite Creek junction.

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